DOI: 10.1055/s-00031934

The Journal of Hip Surgery

Issue 04 · Volume 02 · December 2018 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-42326


Special Section Article

Willey, Michael; Holland, Tai; Thomas-Aitken, Holly; Goetz, Jessica E.: Diagnosis and Management of Borderline Hip Dysplasia and Acetabular Retroversion
Sonnenfeld, Julian J.; Trofa, David P.; Westermann, Robert; Hagen, Mia; Rosneck, James; Lynch, T. Sean: Outcomes Measures in Hip Arthroscopy
Hagen, Mia S.; Westermann, Robert W.; Lynch, T. Sean; Rosneck, James: Rehabilitation for Femoroacetabular Impingement: Conservative Care and Postoperative Practice

Invited Review

Silverberg, Arnold; Parvataneni, Hari K.; Pulido, Luis; Prieto, Hernan: The Current Role of Dual Mobility Articulations in Total Hip Arthroplasty