DOI : 10.1055/s-00000041


Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 49 · Oktober 2018 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-41768

Abstracts of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuropediatrics
Berlin, 30.10 – 03.11.2018

Chair: Prof. Dr. Volker Mall, Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital, Technical University Munich

Marina, Adela Della; Leiendecker, Bärbel; Wiemer-Kruel, Adelheid; Makowski, Christine; Wohlrab, Gabriele; Hofmann-Peters, Anne; Scholl-Buergi, Sabine; Stüve, Burkhard; Assmann, Birgit; von Stüpnagel, Celina; Hartmann, Hans; Hethey, Sven; Classen, Georg; Spiegler, Juliane; Kröll-Seger, Judith; Poggenburg, Imke; Panzer, Axel; Gross, Stephanie; Och, Ulrike; Klepper, Jörg; Schara, Ulrike: P 256. Use of Ketogenic Diets in patients with Epilepsy and Metabolic Disorders in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Schöne-Bake, Jan-Christoph; Auber, Bernd; Jack, Thomas; Hartmann, Hans: P 411. GNAO1-Associated Hyperkinetic-Dystonic Movement Disorder and Developmental Delay in a 14-Year-Old Girl
Metz, Charlotte; Jaster, Monika; Schneider, Joanna; Walch, Elisabeth; Sarpong-Bengelsdorf, Akosua; Kaindl, Angela M.: P 468. Clinical Phenotype of Cerebral Palsy Depending on the Cause
Klabunde-Cherwon, Annick; Wortmann-Hagemann, Saskia; Prokisch, Holger; Syrbe, Steffen; Hoffmann, Georg F.; Kölker, Stefan; Ziegler, Andreas: P 605. Epileptic Encephalopathy Caused by Mitochondrial MPC-1 Deficiency Can Benefit from Ketogenic Diet—Significance of Early Genetic Testing for a Targeted Therapy
Martakis, Kyriakos; Koy, Anne; Holz, Anja; Herkenrath, Peter; Fazeli, Walid: P 613. IQSEC2-Associated X-Coupled Mental Retardation 1 in a Girl with Difficult-to-Treat Epilepsy
Magg, Janine; Krägeloh-Mann, Ingeborg; Weichselbaum, Annette; Haack, Tobias; Buchert-Lo, Rebecca: P 968. Vitamine B6-Dependent Epilepsy in a 14-Year-Old Girl with Drug-Resistant Seizures and Recurring Status Epilepticus
Hentschel, Franziska; Wittmack, Elisa; Sarpong-Bengelsdorf, Akosua; Funk, Julia; Niemeyer, Antje; Langer, Claudia; Schwalb, Sonja; Wolter, Simone; Schulz, Matthias; Schneider, Joanna; Kaindl, Angela M.; van Riesen, Anne: P 980. Selective Motor Control Improves after Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy
Neumann, Helmut; Steinert, Martin; Thiels, Charlotte; Köhler, Cornelia; Daseking, Monika; Petermann, Franz; Lücke, Thomas: P 1032. Cognitive Development in Children with Rolandic Epilepsy or Rolandic EEG Pattern—Preliminary Results of a Prospective Follow-up Study
Koch-Hogrebe, Margret; Rostásy, Kevin; Noßwitz, Ulrike; Wiethoff-Ubrig, Lucia; Maier, Ursula: P 1151. A 19-Month-Old Boy with Mild Epileptic Encephalopathy and Mutation in the SZT2 Gene
Wittmack, Elisa; Hentschel, Franziska; Sarpong-Bengelsdorf, Akosua; Funk, Julia; Niemeyer, Antje; Langer, Claudia; Schwalb, Sonja; Schneider, Joanna; Wolter, Simone; Schulz, Matthias; Kaindl, Angela M.; van Riesen, Anne: P 1175. Increased Quality of Life in Children with Cerebral Palsy after Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy
Wacker, Ute; Dreiwes, Claudia; Doege, Corinna; Genrich, Geeske; Stephani, Ulrich; Von Spiczak, Sarah: P 1176. Unfamiliar Interactions of Antiepileptic Drugs