DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Issue 08 · Volume 74 · 1995 DOI: 10.1055/s-008-40505

Rapid Communication

Koeleman, B P C; Rumpt, D van; Hamulyák, K; Reitsma, P H; Bertina, R M: Factor V Leiden: An Additional Risk Factor for Thrombosis in Protein S Deficient Families?

Original Article

Clinical Studies

Vreken, Peter; Niessen, René W L M; Peters, Marjolein; Schaap, Marianne C L; Zuithoff-Rijntjes, Johanna G M; Sturk, Augueste: A Point Mutation in an Invariant Splice Acceptor Site Results in a Decreased mRNA Level in a Patient with Severe Coagulation Factor XIII Subunit A Deficiency
Yamazaki, Tomio; Hamaguchi, Motohiro; Katsumi, Akira; Kagami, Kazuo; Kojima, Tetsuhito; Takamatsu, Junki; Saito, Hidehiko: A Quantitative Protein S Deficiency Associated with a Novel Nonsense Mutation and Markedly Reduced Levels of Mutated mRNA
Reiter, W; Ehrensberger, H; Steinbrückner, B; Keller, F: Parameters of Haemostasis during Acute Venous Thrombosis
Ginsberg, Jeffrey S; Brill-Edwards, Patrick; Panju, Akbar; Patel, Ameen; McGinnis, Joanne; Smith, Frank; Dale, Ian; Johnston, Marilyn; Ofosu, Fred: Pre-operative Plasma Levels of Thrombin-Antithrombin III Complexes Correlate with the Development of Venous Thrombosis after Major Hip or Knee Surgery
Levine, Mark N; Hirsh, Jack; Gent, Michael; Turpie, Alexander G; Weitz, Jeffrey; Ginsberg, Jeffrey; Geerts, William; LeClerc, Jacques; Neemeh, Jean; Powers, Peter; Piovella, Franco: Optimal Duration of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy: A Randomized Trial Comparing Four Weeks with Three Months of Warfarin in Patients with Proximal Deep Vein Thrombosis
Mauser-Bunschoten, E P; Zaaijer, H L; van Drimmelen, A A J; Berg, H M van den; Roosendaal, G; Lelie, P N: Risk of Hepatitis A in Dutch Hemophilia Patients
Brackmann, H H; Egbring, R; Ferster, A; Fondu, P; Girardel, J M; Kreuz, W; Masure, R; Miloszewski, K; Stibbe, J; Zimmermann, R; Krzensk, U; Hoos, A: Pharmacokinetics and Tolerability of Factor XIII Concentrates Prepared from Human Placenta or Plasma: a Crossover Randomised Study
Davì, Giovanni; Giammarresi, Carlo; Vigneri, Sergio; Ganci, Antonina; Ferri, Claudio; Di Francesco, Letizia; Vitale, Giustina; Mansueto, Serafino: Demonstration of Rickettsia Conorii-Induced Coagulative and Platelet Activation in vivo in Patients with Mediterranean Spotted Fever


Hara, Tsuyoshi; Yokoyama, Asako; Tanabe, Kiyoshi; Ishihara, Hiroaki; Iwamoto, Masahiro: DX-9065a, an Orally Active, Specific Inhibitor of Factor Xa, Inhibits Thrombosis without Affecting Bleeding Time in Rats
Stassen, Jean Marie; Lambeir, Anne-Marie; Vreys, Ingrid; Deckmyn, Hans; Matthyssens, Gaston; Nyström, Åke; Vermylen, Jos: Characterisation of a Novel Series of Aprotinin-derived Anticoagulants
Mismetti, P; Reynaud, J; Tardy-Poncet, B; Laporte-Simitsidis, S; Scully, M; Goodwyn, C; Queneau, P; Decousus, H: Chrono-Pharmacological Study of Once Daily Curative Dose of a Low Molecular Weight Heparin (200IU antiXa/kg of Dalteparin) in Ten Healthy Volunteers
Dempfle, C E; Pfitzner, S A; Dollman, M; Huck, K; Stehle, G; Heene, D L: Comparison of Immunological and Functional Assays for Measurement of Soluble Fibrin
Niessen, René W L M; Pfaffendorf, Birgit A; Sturk, Augueste; Lamping, Roy J; Schaap, Marianne C L; Hack, C Erik; Peters, Marjolein: The Influence of Insulin, ß-Estradiol, Dexamethasone and Thyroid Hormone on the Secretion of Coagulant and Anticoagulant Proteins by HepG2 Cells

Orginal Articles


Stassen, Jean Marie; Lambeir, Anne-Marie; Matthyssens, Gaston; Ripka, William C; Nyström, Åke; Sixma, Jan J; Vermylen, Jos: Characterisation of a Novel Series of Aprotinin-Derived Anticoagulants

Orignal Articles


Original Article


Hayakawa, Yumiko; Tazawa, Shigeki; Ishikawa, Tai-ichi; Niiya, Kenji; Sakuragawa, Nobuo: Transcriptional Regulation of Tissue- and Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator Genes by Thrombin in Human Fetal Lung Fibroblasts


Sharp, Dan S; Benowitz, Neal L; Bath, P M W; Martin, John F; Beswick, Andrew D; Elwood, Peter C: Cigarette Smoking Sensitizes and Desensitizes Impedance-measured ADP-induced Platelet Aggregation in Whole Blood
Fujimura, Y; Ikeda, Y; Miura, S; Yoshida, E; Shima, H; Nishida, S; Suzuki, M; Titani, K; Taniuchi, Y; Kawasaki, T: Isolation and Characterization of jararaca GPIb-BP, a Snake Venom Antagonist Specific to Platelet Glycoprotein lb
Kotzé, H F; Badenhorst, P N; Lamprecht, S; Meiring, M; Wyk, V Van; Nuyts, K; Stassen, J M; Vermylen, J; Deckmyn, H: Prolonged Inhibition of Acute Arterial Thrombosis by High Dosing of a Monoclonal Anti-platelet Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Antibody in a Baboon Model
Kashiwagi, Hirokazu; Tomiyama, Yoshiaki; Kosugi, Satoru; Shiraga, Masamichi; Lipsky, Robert H; Nagao, Nobuo; Kanakura, Yuzuru; Kurata, Yoshiyuki; Matsuzawa, Yuji: Family Studies of Type II CD36 Deficient Subjects: Linkage of a CD36 Allele to a Platelet-Specific mRNA Expression Defect(s) Causing Type II CD36 Deficiency
Habib, Aïda; Martinuzzo, Marta E; Carreras, Luis O; Lévy-Toledano, Sylviane; Maclouf, Jacques: Increased Expression of Inducible Cyclooxygenase-2 in Human Endothelial Cells by Antiphospholipid Antibodies

Vessel Wall


Diquélou, Armelle; Dupouy, Dominique; Gaspin, Dominique; Constans, Jacques; Sié, Pierre; Boneu, Bernard; Sakariassen, Kjell S; Cadroy, Yves: Relationship between Endothelial Tissue Factor and Thrombogenesis under Blood Flow Conditions

Scientific and Standardization Committee Communications

Letter to the Editor

Stefano, V De; Mastrangelo, S; Paciaroni, K; Ireland, H; Lane, D A; Scirpa, P; Bizzi, B; Leone, G: Thrombotic Risk during Pregnancy and Puerperium in Women with APC-Resistance – Effective Subcutaneous Heparin Prophylaxis in a Pregnant Patient
Villa, Piedad; Aznar, Justo; Jorquera, Juan; Mira, Yolanda; Vayá, Amparo; Fernández, MA: Inherited Homozygous Resistance to Activated Protein C
Sakamoto, Susumu; Hirase, Tetsuaki; Suzuki, Shunji; Tsukamoto, Takuya; Miki, Takahiko; Yamada, Tsutomu; Matsuo, Takefumi: Inhibitory Effect of Argatroban on Thrombin-Antithrombin III Complex after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angloplasty
Zenz, Werner; Muntean, Wolfgang; Zobel, Gerfried; Grubbauer, Hans M; Gallistl, Siegfried: Treatment of Fulminant Meningococcemia with Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator
Guérin, Viviane; Morlat, Philippe; Chêne, Geneviève; Grobost, Fréderic; Aubertin, Jean; Boisseau, Michel: High Level of Plasmatic von Willebrand Factor Limits the Bleeding Time in Thrombopenic HIV-Infected Patients
Marongiu, Francesco; Mascia, Fausto; Mameli, Giulia; Cirillo, Rocco; Balestrieri, Angelo: Prothrombin Fragment F 1+2 Levels are High in NIDDM Patients Independently of the Hb A1 c
Scelles, Véronique; Alessi, Marie-Christine; Raccah, Denis; Juhan-Vague, Irène; Vague, Philippe: Plasma Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor Activity in Rats with Nutritionally Induced Insulin Resistance
Iacoviello, Licia; D’Adamo, Maria Cristina; Buczko, Wlodzimierz; Donati, Maria Benedetta: Amiloride Inhibits Tissue-type Plasminogen Activator (t-PA) Release from Vascular Endothelium
Inaba, H; Shibata, H; Yoshida, S; Hagiwara, T; Hanabusa, H; Nagao, T; Fukutake, K: Inversion in Japanese Patients with Hemophilia A