DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 12 · Volume 117 · Dezember 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35790

Invited Editorial Focus

Executive Summary

Review Article

Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Bykov, Katsiaryna; Bohn, Rhonda L.; Ewenstein, Bruce M.; Seeger, John D.; Avorn, Jerry; Bateman, Brian T.: Use of Bypassing Agents and Risk of Thromboembolic Events in Patients with Haemophilia and Inhibitors
Mancuso, Maria Elisa; Fischer, Kathelijn; Santagostino, Elena; Oldenburg, Johannes; Platokouki, Helen; Königs, Cristoph; Escuriola-Ettingshausen, Carmen; Rivard, George E.; Cid, Ana Rosa; Carcao, Manuel; Ljung, Rolf; Petrini, Pia; Altisent, Carmen; Kenet, Gili; Liesner, Raina; Kurnik, Karin; Auerswald, Günther; Chambost, Hérvè; Mäkipernaa, Anne; Molinari, Angelo Claudio; Williams, Mike; van den Berg, H. Marijke; on behalf of the European Pediatric Network for Haemophilia Management (PedNet) the REMAIN (REal life MAnagement of children with INhibitors) Study Group: Risk Factors for the Progression from Low to High Titres in 260 Children with Severe Haemophilia A and Newly Developed Inhibitors
Beckmann, Lennart; Dicke, Christina; Spath, Brigitte; Lehr, Carina; Sievers, Bianca; Klinke, Anna; Baldus, Stephan; Rudolph, Volker; Langer, Florian: Myeloperoxidase Is a Negative Regulator of Phospholipid-Dependent Coagulation

Cellular Haemostasis and Platelets

Lopez-Vilchez, Irene; Jerez-Dolz, Didac; Diaz-Ricart, Maribel; Navarro, Victor; Zafar, M. Urooj; Zamorano-Leon, Javier; Lopez-Farre, Antonio; Badimon, Juan J.; Gasto, Cristobal; Escolar, Gines: Escitalopram Impairs Thrombin-Induced Platelet Response, Cytoskeletal Assembly and Activation of Associated Signalling Pathways
Lorenz, Viola; Ramsey, Haley; Liu, Zhi-Jian; Italiano, Joseph; Hoffmeister, Karin; Bihorel, Sihem; Mager, Donald; Hu, Zhongbo; Slayton, William B.; Kile, Benjamin T.; Sola-Visner, Martha; Ferrer-Marin, Francisca: Developmental Stage–Specific Manifestations of Absent TPO/c-MPL Signalling in Newborn Mice

Blood Cells, Inflammation and Infection

Becatti, Matteo; Marcucci, Rossella; Mannucci, Amanda; Gori, Anna Maria; Giusti, Betti; Sofi, Francesco; Mannini, Lucia; Cellai, Anna Paola; Alessandrello Liotta, Agatina; Mugnaini, Marco; Emmi, Giacomo; Prisco, Domenico; Taddei, Niccolò; Fiorillo, Claudia: Erythrocyte Membrane Fluidity Alterations in Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss Patients: The Role of Oxidative Stress
Hewing, Bernd; Ellerbroek, Rena; Au, Sebastian Chi-Diep; Stangl, Verena; Dreger, Henryk; Laule, Michael; Grubitzsch, Herko; Knebel, Fabian; Baumann, Gert; Ludwig, Antje; Stangl, Karl: Levels of Circulating Intermediate Monocytes Decrease after Aortic Valve Replacement in Patients with Severe Aortic Stenosis

Endothelium and Angiogenesis


New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Poli, Sven; Härtig, Florian; Spencer, Charlotte; Ebner, Matthias; Birschmann, Ingvild; Kuhn, Joachim; Faix, Susanne; Ziemann, Ulf; Häring, Hans-Ulrich; Lehmann, Rainer; Peter, Andreas; Hörber, Sebastian: Diagnostic Accuracy of a Novel Chromogenic Direct Thrombin Inhibitor Assay: Clinical Experiences for Dabigatran Monitoring

Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism

Mazurek, Michał; Huisman, Menno V.; Rothman, Kenneth J.; Paquette, Miney; Teutsch, Christine; Diener, Hans-Christoph; Dubner, Sergio J.; Halperin, Jonathan L.; Ma, Chang Sheng; Zint, Kristina; Elsaesser, Amelie; Lu, Shihai; Lip, Gregory Y. H.; on behalf of the GLORIA-AF Investigators: Regional Differences in Antithrombotic Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation: Insights from the GLORIA-AF Phase II Registry
Chi, Gerald; Goldhaber, Samuel Z.; Hull, Russell D.; Hernandez, Adrian F.; Kerneis, Mathieu; Al Khalfan, Fahad; Cohen, Alexander T.; Harrington, Robert A.; Gibson, C. Michael: Thrombus Burden of Deep Vein Thrombosis and Its Association with Thromboprophylaxis and D-Dimer Measurement: Insights from the APEX Trial
González-Pérez, Antonio; Gaist, David; de Abajo, Francisco J.; Sáez, María E.; García Rodríguez, Luis A.: Low-Dose Aspirin after an Episode of Haemorrhagic Stroke Is Associated with Improved Survival
Medina, Andria; Raskob, Gary; Ageno, Walter; Cohen, Alexander T.; Brekelmans, Marjolein P.A.; Chen, Cathy Z.; Grosso, Michael A.; Mercuri, Michele F.; Segers, Annelise; Verhamme, Peter; Vanassche, Thomas; Wells, Philip S.; Lin, Min; Winters, Shannon M.; Weitz, Jeffrey I.; Büller, Harry R.: Outpatient Management in Patients with Venous Thromboembolism with Edoxaban: A Post Hoc Analysis of the Hokusai-VTE Study

Trial Protocol Design Paper

Douketis, James D.; Spyropoulos, Alex C.; Anderson, Julia M.; Arnold, Donald M.; Bates, Shannon M.; Blostein, Mark; Carrier, Marc; Caprini, Joseph A.; Clark, Nathan P.; Coppens, Michiel; Dentali, Francesco; Duncan, Joanne; Gross, Peter L.; Kassis, Jeannine; Kowalski, Stephen; Lee, Agnes Y.; Le Gal, Gregoire; Le Templier, Geneviève; Li, Na; MacKay, Elizabeth; Shah, Vinay; Shivakumar, Sudeep; Solymoss, Susan; Spencer, Frederick A.; Syed, Summer; Tafur, Alfonso J.; Vanassche, Thomas; Thiele, Thomas; Wu, Cynthia; Yeo, Erik; Schulman, Sam: The Perioperative Anticoagulant Use for Surgery Evaluation (PAUSE) Study for Patients on a Direct Oral Anticoagulant Who Need an Elective Surgery or Procedure: Design and Rationale
Klok, Frederikus A.; Ageno, Walter; Barco, Stefano; Binder, Harald; Brenner, Benjamin; Duerschmied, Daniel; Empen, Klaus; Faggiano, Pompilio; Ficker, Joachim H.; Galiè, Nazzareno; Ghuysen, Alexandre; Held, Matthias; Heydenreich, Nadine; Huisman, Menno V.; Jiménez, David; Kozak, Matija; Lang, Irene M.; Lankeit, Mareike; Münzel, Thomas; Petris, Antoniu; Pruszczyk, Piotr; Quitzau, Kurt; Schellong, Sebastian; Schmidt, Kai-Helge; Stefanovic, Branislav S.; Verschuren, Franck; Wolf-Puetz, Anamaria; Meyer, Guy; Konstantinides, Stavros V.; for the PEITHO-2 Investigators: Dabigatran after Short Heparin Anticoagulation for Acute Intermediate-Risk Pulmonary Embolism: Rationale and Design of the Single-Arm PEITHO-2 Study