DOI: 10.1055/s-00000028

International Journal of Sports Medicine

Issue 08 · Volume 37 · July 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-32024

Physiology & Biochemistry

Barak, O. F.; Caljkusic, K.; Madden, D.; Ainslie, P. N.; Slavic, D.; Buca, A.; Dujic, Z.: Elevations in Intra-cranial blood flow velocities following a SCUBA Dive and the Influence of Post-dive Exercise
Tanaka, D.; Suga, T.; Tanaka, T.; Kido, K.; Honjo, T.; Fujita, S.; Hamaoka, T.; Isaka, T.: Ischemic Preconditioning Enhances Muscle Endurance during Sustained Isometric Exercise

Training & Testing

Matelot, D.; Schnell, F.; Kervio, G.; Ridard, C.; Thillaye du Boullay, N.; Wilson, M.; Carre, F.: Cardiovascular Benefits of Endurance Training in Seniors: 40 is not too Late to Start
Damas, F.; Nosaka, K.; Libardi, C. A.; Chen, T. C.; Ugrinowitsch, C.: Susceptibility to Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage: a Cluster Analysis with a Large Sample
Smith, C. M.; Housh, T. J.; Herda, T.; Zuniga, J. M.; Camic, C. L.; Bergstrom, H. C.; Smith, D. B.; Weir, J. P.; Cramer, J. T.; Hill, E. C.; Cochrane, K. C.; Jenkins, N. D. M.; Schmidt, R. J.; Johnson, G.: Electromyographic Responses from the Vastus Medialis during Isometric Muscle Actions

Orthopedics & Biomechanics

Baptista, F.; Mil-Homens, P.; Carita, A. I.; Janz, K.; Sardinha, L. B.: Peak Vertical Jump Power as a Marker of Bone Health in Children
Singh, V. R.; Trewartha, G.; Roberts, S. P.; England, M.; Stokes, K. A.: Shoulder Injuries in English Community Rugby Union

Behavioural Sciences