DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Issue 10 · Volume 80 · July 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27340

American Society of Pharmacognosy 2014 Annual Meeting – Held in conjunction with the 14th Annual Oxford International Conference on the Science of Botanicals
Oxford, Mississippi, USA, 2.–6. August 2014

Chairmen: Larry A. Walker, Ph.D., Ikhlas A. Khan, Ph.D., Issue Editor: Mark O'Neil-Johnson

Bañuelos-Hernández, AE; Mendoza-Espinoza, JA; Pereda-Miranda, R; Cerda-García-Rojas, CM: Conformational analysis of (-)-pironetin and its docking, molecular dynamics, and covalent interaction with α-tubulin
Muñoz Acuña, U; Fatima, N; Ahmed, S; Chang, LC; CurleyJr, R; Carcache de Blanco, EJ: SAR studies of wortmannolone derivatives in MDA-MB-231 cells
Oh, J; Li, H; Elshamy, WM; Hamann, MT: Elucidation of the NMR structure of an iris-inhibitory protein
Fuchs, JR; Woodard, JL; Ren, Y; Chai, HB; Yalowich, JC; Yu, J; Swanson, SM; Kinghorn, AD: Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of analogues of the phyllanthusmin class of arylnaphthalene lignan natural products