DOI : 10.1055/s-00000059


Issue 06 · Volume 68 · June 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27146

“Lung Regeneration and Beyond – BREATH meets REBIRTH”
3rd International DZL Symposium
Hannover, 8.–10. Mai 2014

Presidents: Prof. Dr. Tobias Welte, Prof. Dr. Dr. Axel Haverich

Danov, O; Jimenez Delgado, SM; Drake, H; Schindler, S; Pfennig, O; Förster, C; Braun, A; Sewald, K: Species comparison of interleukin-13 induced airway hyperreactivity in precision-cut lung slices
Kallsen, K; Fink, C; Bhandari, A; Kabesch, M; Heine, H; Roeder, T: Deregulation of ORMDL3 expression induces stress responses and modulates repair pathways
Lorenz, A; Busse, M; Dalüge, K; Behrendt, AK; Hansen, G; Meyer-Bahlburg, A: Investigating the role of BAFF in different mouse models of allergic asthma