DOI : 10.1055/s-00000181

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 75 · Februar 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-26430

24th Annual Meeting North American Skull Base Society
Presentation Abstracts
Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, 14–16 February 2014

Ehab Y. Hanna, MD

Fliker, A.; Bou-Haidar, P.; Ly, J.; Woodford, B.; Winder, M.; Teo, C.; Davidson, A.; Harvey, R. J.: Radiological Features of the Post-Reconstructed Anterior Skull Base
Miller, Robert A.; Bonilla, Rodolfo; Acosta, Yancy; Gardner, Paul; Snyderman, Carl H.; Wang, Eric; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan: Anatomic Nuances of the Endoscopic Extracranial Pericranial Flap Reconstruction
Otten, M. L.; Singhal, S. J.; Iloreta, A. M.; Garcia, H. G.; Nyquist, G. G.; Farrell, C. J.; Casey, J.; Rosen, M. R.; Evans, J. J.: Endoscopic Endonasal Management of Sinonasal Hemangiopericytomas – A Role for Aggressive Resection
Engle, Robert D.; Peris-Celda, Maria; Barrett, Trace; Kenning, Tyler J.; Pinheiro-Neto, Carlos D.: Split-Calvarial Osteopericranial Rotational Flap for Reconstruction following Endoscopic Anterior Cranial Base Resection
Illing, Elisa A.; Walsh, Erika M.; Riley, Kristen O.; Woodworth, Bradford A.: Inaccurate Assessments of Anterior Cranial Base Malignancy following Nasoseptal Flap Reconstruction
Lynn Marshall, Amanda; Setty, Pradeep; Hnatiuk, Mark; Pieper, Daniel R.: Repair of Frontoethmoidal Encephalocele in the Philippines: An Account of 30 Cases between 2008-2013
Mohindra, Satyawati; Mohindra, Sandeep: Suspected Skull Base Aspergillosis: Endoscopy vs Radiology
Belkhair, Sirajeddin; Guerrero Maldonado, Amancio; Tymianski, Michael; Radovanovic, Ivan: “Extra-Dural Anterior Clinoidectomy through the Lateral Supraorbital Approach: Surgical Anatomy and Initial Clinical Experience”
Amit, Moran; Na'ara, Shorook; Balan, Salem; Sviri, Gil; Cohen, Jacob; Gil, Ziv: Treatment and Outcome of Patients with Skull Base Chordoma: A Meta-Analysis
Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; de Souza, Daniel G.; Kerr, Edward E.; Jamshidi, Ali O.; Patel, Mihir R.; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Prevedello, Daniel M.: Combined Endonasal and Transcranial Resection of Complex Skull Base Chordomas and Chondrosarcomas: A Multi-Corridor Strategy
Ajlan, Abdulrazag; Soltys, Scott G.; Veeravagu, Anand; Jiang, Bowen; Lee, Marco; Harsh, Griffith R.; Gibbs, Iris C.; Adler, John R.; Chang, Steven D.: Cyberknife Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Intracranial Chordomas
Griffiths, Chester F.; Barkhoudarian, Garni; Karimi, Kian; Carrau, Ricardo; Kassam, Amin; Yost, Sam; Pourang, Dorna; Kelly, Daniel F.: Preoperative Chronic or Acute Purulent Sinusitis Is Not Associated with the Development of Post Operative Meningitis in Endonasal Skull Base Surgery
Griffiths, Chester; Cutler, Aaron; Duong, Huy; Karimi, Kian; Barkhoudarian, Garni; Doyle, Olivia; Kelly, Daniel F.: Olfactory Function following Bilateral Mucosal Preservation Nasoseptal Rescue Flap Technique in Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery: Preliminary Data
Elhadi, Ali M.; Kalani, Yashar S.; Nakaji, Peter; White, William L.; Preul, Mark C.; Little, Andrew S.: Evaluation of Surgical Freedom for Four Microscopic and Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Approaches to the Sella
Garcia, H. G.; Pyfer, M.; Singhal, S. J.; Otten, M. L.; Iloreta, A. M.; Farrell, C. J.; Nyquist, G. G.; Rosen, M. R.; Evans, J. J.: Minimizing Septectomy for Endoscopic Transphenoidal Approaches to the Sellar and Suprasellar Regions: A Cadaveric Morphometric Study
Peng, Kevin A.; Bergsneider, Marvin; Wang, Marilene B.: Sinonasal Outcomes following Pituitary Surgery for Acromegaly
Thompson, Christopher F.; Shay, Sophie; Suh, Jeffrey D.; Bergsneider, Marvin; Wang, Marilene B.: Free Mucosal Graft Reconstruction for Anterior Skull Base Surgery Defects
Vaz-Guimaraes Filho, Francisco; Koutourousiou, Maria; Wang, Eric W.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Snydermean, Carl H.; Gardner, Paul A.: Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Cranial Base Chondrosarcomas: Comparison to Open Approaches
Teufack, Sonia; Singhal, Saurabh; Farrell, Christopher; Nyquist, Gurston; Rosen, Marc; Evans, James: Comparative Cost Assessment of Transsphenoidal Surgery Closure Techniques: Are Biological Grafts and Glues Cost Effective?
Vaz-Guimaraes Filho, Francisco; Miller, Robert A.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Gardner, Paul A.: Endoscopic-Assisted Microvascular Decompression of the Posterior Fossa: Early Experience in a Large Referral Center
Friedel, Mark; Nyquist, Gurston; Kaplan, Seth; Beahm, David; Singhal, Saurabh; Farrell, Christopher J.; Evans, James J.; Rosen, Marc R.: Management of Rhinosinusitis in the Setting of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Skull Base Surgery
Elhadi, Ali M.; Kalani, Yashar S.; Almefty, Kaith K.; Kalb, Samuel; Nakaji, Peter; Chapple, Kristina; Preul, Mark C.; Little, Andrew S.: Development of a Physical Simulator Model for Developing and Evaluating Endoscopic Endonasal Surgical Skills
Koutourousiou, Maria; Filho, Francisco Vaz Guimaraes; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Wang, Eric W.; Snyderman, Carl H.; Rothfus, William E.; Gardner, Paul A.: Pontine Encephalocele and Abnormalities of the Posterior Fossa following Transclival Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery
Filho, Francisco Vaz-Guimaraes; Rastelli, Milton M.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Wang, Eric W.; Gardner, Paul A.; Snyderman, Carl H.: The Role of Bimanual Dissection and Dynamic Endoscopy in Endoscopic Neurosurgical Training: A Laboratory Investigation
Manes, R. Peter; Scott, William; Barnett, Samuel; Batra, Pete S.: Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma with Skull Base Involvement
Toledo, Ronaldo N.; Silveira, Paula A.; Gonçalves Filho, João; Vartanian, José G.; Ikeda, Mauro K.; Kowalski, Luiz P.: Endoscopic Transpterygoid Nasopharyngectomy for Nasopharyngeal Malignant Tumors
Pasricha, Ribhav; Suri, Ashish; Sharma, Bhawani S.; Laythalling, Rajinder K.; Kumar, Amandeep: Learning Curve in Progression from Microscopic to Endoscopic Technique in Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Adenomas – A Surgical Audit
Guthikonda, Bharat; Connor, David; Clavenna, Matthew; Amene, Chiazo; Mehta, Vikas; Lian, Timothy; Ambekar, Sudheer; Nanda, Anil: Endoscopic Transphenoidal Surgery: A Transition to Neurosurgery-Ent Collaboration Producing Better Outcomes
Bergsneider, Marvin; Pinto de Santana, Diana L.; Wang, Marilene B.: Sellar and Planum Reconstruction Using Absorbable Plates with Endonasal Endoscopic Surgery
DeKlotz, T. R.; Stefko, S. T.; Fernandez-Miranda, J. C.; Gardner, P. A.; Snyderman, C. H.; Wang, E. W.: Endoscopic Endonasal Optic Nerve Decompression for Benign Pathology of the Optic Canal
Evins, Alexander I.; Shoakazemi, Alireza; Burrell, Justin C.; Kapoor, Rahul; Stieg, Philip E.; Bernardo, Antonio: 3D Endoscopic Transtubular Anterior Petrosectomy for Petroclival Meningiomas: Assessment of Resection in Varying Tumor Volumes Utilizing a Synthetic Tumor Model
Kroeker, Andrew; Chinn, Stephen B.; McKean, Erin; Brown, David; Sullivan, Stephen; Marentette, Lawrence J.: Endoscopic versus Traditional Craniofacial Approaches in Management of Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibromas
Vaz-Guimaraes Filho, Francisco; Koutourousiou, Maria; de Almeida, John R.; Wang, Eric W.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Snyderman, Carl H.; Gardner, Paul A.: Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Resection of Cranial Base Epidermoid and Dermoid Cysts: Advantages and Limitations
Stapleton, Amanda L.; Tyler-Kabara, Elizabeth; Gardner, Paul A.; Snyderman, Carl H.: The Costs of Skull Base Surgery in the Pediatric Population
Alikhani, Puya; Van Gompel, Jamie J.; Tabor, Mark H.; van Loveren, Harry R.; Agazzi, Sivero; Froelich, Sebastien; Youssef, Sammy: Anterior Inferior Petrosectomy: Defining the Role of Endonasal Endoscopic Techniques for Petrous Apex Approaches
Pham, Martin; Kale, Aydemir; Marquez, Yvette; Winer, Jesse; Lee, Brian; Harris, Brianna; Minnetti, Michael; Carey, Joseph; Giannotta, Steven; Zada, Gabriel: A Perfusion-Based Human Cadaveric Model for Management of Carotid Artery Injury during Endoscopic Endonasal Skull Base Surgery
Zanation, Adam M.; Taylor, Robert J.; Patel, Mihir R.; Wheless, Stephen A.; McKinney, Kibwei A.; Stadler, Michael E.; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna; Ewend, Matthew G.; Germanwala, Anand V.: Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to Infratemporal Fossa Tumors: A Classification System & Case Series
Bohman, Leif-Erik; Stephen, James H.; K. Lee, John Y.: Early Experience with New High Definition Three-Dimensional (HD3D) Neuroendoscopy
de Almeida, John R.; Carvalho, Felipe; Filho, Francisco Vaz Guillmaraes; Koutourousiou, Maria; Su, Shirley Y.; Kiehl, Rasmus; Vescan, Allan D.; Witterick, Ian J.; Wang, Eric; Zadeh, Gelareh: A Comparison of Post-Operative MRI Signal Changes between Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches and Open Approaches for Olfactory Groove Meningiomas: A Match Paired Analysis from Two Institutions
Schwartz, Theodore H.; Goldschlager, Tony; Hartl, Roger; Greenfield, Jeffrey P.; Anand, Vijay K.: The Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Odontoid and Its Impact on Early Extubation and Feeding
Ajlan, Abdulrazag; Achrol, Achal S.; Aljamaan, Yousef; Feroze, Abdullah H.; H Harsh, Griffith: Diabetes Insipidus following Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Resection of Pituitary Adenoma
Miller, Justin D.; Taylor, Robert J.; Ambrose, Emily C.; Ebert, Charles S.; Zanation, Adam M.: Comparison of Open and Transnasal Endoscopic Approaches to the Skull Base in the Endoscopic Skull Base Era
Frisch, Christopher D.; Carlson, Matthew L.; Neff, Brian A.; Link, Michael J.; Driscoll, Colin L.: Fibrous Dysplasia of the Temporal Bone: Contemporary Diagnosis and Management
Little, Andrew S.; Jahnke, Heidi; Cronk, Katharine; Chapple, Kristina; White, William L.: Comparative Resource Utilization in Patients Undergoing Endoscopic and Microscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery for Pituitary Tumors
Remenschneider, Aaron K.; Meier, Josh C.; Chambers, Kyle; Dedmon, Matthew; Lin, Derrick T.; Gray, Stacey T.: Skull Base Operative Experience in U.S. Otolaryngology Residency Training Programs
Lu, Yemeng; Mitchell, Candace A.; Zanation, Adam M.: Patient Perceptions and Expectations of Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
Saade, R.; Roberts, D.; Ow, Tj; Hanna, E.; Kupferman, M.; DeMonte, F.; Bell, D.: Prognosis and Biology in Esthesioneuroblastoma: Staging versus Grading Dilemma - The MDACC Experience
Palin, Martin S.; Sayal, P.; Robins, J. M.; Yousefpour, A.; McMahon, J.; Westin, T.; Carroll, T. A.: Should Skull Base Surgery Be Offered for Patients with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma?
Yip, Darwin; Liebsch, Norbert; Deschler, Daniel; Lin, Derrick; Vavares, Mark; Chan, Annie: Definitive Proton Beam Therapy for Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Nasopharynx
Chambers, Kyle J.; Lehmann, Ashton; Remenschneider, Aaron; Dedmon, Matthew; Yarlagadda, Bharat; Gray, Stacey T.; Lin, Derrrick T.: Incidence and Survival Patterns of Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma in the United States
Gaynor, Brandon G.; Bowie, Charles R.; Haussen, Diogo C.; Peterson, Eric C.; Yavagal, Dileep R.; Elhammady, Mohamed S.; Sultan, Mohammad A.: Covered Stents for Treatment and Prevention of Carotid Blowout in Head and Neck Cancer
Somerville, Jessica M.; Bishop, Michael; Samant, Sandeep; Pappo, Alberto; Boop, Frederick; McPherson, Valerie: Pediatric Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma
Amit, Moran; Binenbaum, Yoav; Sharma, Kanika; Ramer, Naomi; Ramer, Ilana; Agbetoba, Abib; Miles, Brett; Xinjie, Yang; Delin, Lei; Bjoerndal, Kristine; Godballe, Christian; Mücke, Thomas; Klaus-Dietrich, Wolff; Fliss, Dan; Eckardt, Andre M.; Copelli, Chiara: Analysis of Failure in Patients with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Amit, Moran; Binenbaum, Yoav; Trejo-leider, Leonor; Sharma, Kanika; Ramer, Naomi; Ramer, Ilana; Agbetoba, Abib; Miles, Brett; Xinjie, Yang; Delin, Lei; Bjoerndal, Kristine; Godballe, Christian; Mücke, Thomas; Klaus-Dietrich, Wolff; Eckardt, André M.; Copell, Chiara: International Collaborative Validation of Intraneural Invasion as a Prognostic Marker in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Chen, Michelle M.; Roman, Sanziana A.; Sosa, Julie A.; Judson, Benjamin L.: Predictors of Survival in Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma
Little, Ryan E.; Taylor, Robert J.; Miller, Justin D.; Cohn, Emily; Zanation, Adam M.: Endoscopic Endonasal Transclival Approaches: Case Series & Outcomes for Different Clival Regions
Tajudeen, Bobby A.; Arshi, Armin; Suh, Jeffrey D.; Palma-Diaz, Miguel Fernando; Abemayor, Elliot; John, Maie St.; Wang, Marilene B.: Esthesioneuroblastoma: An Update on the Ucla Experience 2002-2013
Iloreta, Alfred Marc C.; Rosen, Marc; Nyquist, Gurston; Parkes, William J.; Heffelfinger, Ryan N.; Krein, Howard; Curry, Joseph M.; Cognetti, David; Farrell, Christopher; DeSouza, Jill; Evans, James J.: Microvascular Free Flap Reconstruction of Dural Defects
Suri, Ashish; Jotwani, Payal; Baby, Britty; Srivastav, Vinkle K.; Roy, Tara S.; Lalwani, Sanjiv; Bettag, Martin; Busert, Christoph; Mehlitz, Marcus; Banerjee, Subhashis; Prasad, Sanjiva; Kalra, Prem: Neurosurgery Skills Training - Past, Present and Future: Hands-On Skills Training Modules to Virtual Reality Simulation
Alex Harbison, R.; Bly, Randall; White, Jed; Ching, Randy; Moe, Kris S.: Computer Modeling of Skull Base Endoscopic Instrument Motion and Surgical Pathway Analysis
Elhadi, Ali M.; Williamson, Richard; Cavallo, Claudio; Preul, Mark C.; Nakaji, Peter; Little, Andrew S.: Flexible Endoscope Increases Surgical Freedom When Compared to a Rigid Endoscope in Endoscopic Endonasal Approaches to the Skull Base
Oyama, Kenichi; Ditzel Filho, Leo F. S.; Muto, Jun; Souza, Daniel G.; Zoli, Mateo; Naudy, Cristian A.; Van, Facundo; Kerr, Edward; Jamshidi, Ali; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Prevedello, Daniel M.: Endoscopic Endonasal Cranial Base Surgery Simulation Using an Artificial Cranial Base Model Created by Selective Laser Sintering
Tavanaiepour, Kourosh; Naseri, Iman; Pirgousis, Phillip; Tavanaiepour, Daryoush: The Feasibility and Utility Of Intraoperative Computer Topography in Skull-Base Surgery
Takahashi, Yoko; Pickering, Curtis; Gelbard, Alexander; Drummond, Jennifer; Wheeler, David A.; Kupferman, Michael E.; Myers, Jeffrey N.; Hanna, Ehab Y.: Genomic Characterization of Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma
Guevara, Nicolas Gil; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; Martinez, Cristian Naudy; Zoli, Matteo; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: Three-Dimension Images in Endoscopic Endonasal Anatomical Dissection: An Innovative Method
Tavanaiepour, Daryoush; Abolfotoh, Mohamed; Upadhyay, Urvashi; Al-Mefty, Ossama: Novel Findings in a Case Series of Falcine Meningiomas: Experience with 115 Patients
Tatman, Philip D.; Osbun, Joshua; Ahmad, Owais; Mrugala, Maciej M.; Rockhill, Jason K.; Gonzalez-Cuyar, Lois; Born, Donald; Ferreira, Manuel: Multimodality Treatment of 15 Malignant WHO III (2007 Criteria) Meningiomas: Differential Survival Rates Between De Novo and Progressive Origins
Flores, Bruno C.; Boudreaux, Benjamin P.; Klinger, Daniel R.; Raisanen, Jack M.; Lewis, Jeremy J.; Mickey, Bruce E.; Barnett, Samuel L.: The Far Lateral Approach for Foramen Magnum Meningiomas
Tatman, Philip D.; Osbun, Joshua; Kaur, Sumanpreet; Parada, Carolina; Busald, Tina; Gonzalez-Cuyar, Luis; Born, Donald; Zhang, Jing; Shi, Min; Ferreira, Manuel: Comparative Phospho-Enriched Proteomic Analysis between the World Health Organization Grades of Meningiomas: Mechanisms of Oncogensis and Evidence for an Aggressive Grade I
Dewan, Ramita; Pemov, Alexander; Ray-Chaudhury, Abhik; Asthagiri, Ashok R.; Chandrasekharappa, Settara C.; Stewart, Douglas R.; Germanwala, Anand V.: Comparative Genomic Analysis of Grade 1 And Grade 2 Meningiomas in Neurofibromatosis Type 2
Klironomos, George; Larjani, Soroush; Mansouri, Alireza; Ghare, Aisha; Kilian, Alexandra; Aldape, Kenneth; Zadeh, Gelareh: Intracranial Meningiomas: Predictor Factors of Clinical Behavior and Patients Outcome
Lobo, Bjorn M.; Kshettry, Varun; Sade, Burak; Oya, Soichi; Lee, Joung H.: Outcomes following Modern-Day Meningioma Surgery in the Elderly
Klinger, Daniel; Lewis, Jeremy; Hatanpaa, Kimmo; Choe, Kevin; Mickey, Bruce; Barnett, Samuel: Atypical Meningiomas: Recurrence, Re-Operation and Radiotherapy
Setty, Pradeep; D'Andrea, Kenneth P.; Stucken, Emily; Pieper, Daniel R.: Purely Endoscopic Resection of Cerebello-Pontine Angle Meningiomas
Fong, Christina; Thill, Kimberly; Ung, Nolan; Trang, Andy; Gopen, Quinton; Yang, Isaac: Analysis of Outcomes for Surgical Resection and Radiotherapy in Patients with Intracranial Papillary Meningioma
Koutourousiou, Maria; Vaz Guimaraes Filho, Francisco; de Almeida, John R.; Wang, Eric W.; Snyderman, Carl H.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Gardner, Paul A.: Endonasal and Lateral Approaches to Petroclival Meningiomas: Comparison and Early Clinical Outcome
Shikary, Tasneem; Edwards, Colin; Meinzen-Derr, Jareen; Theodosopoulos, Philip V.; Zimmer, Lee A.: Complications and Learning Curve following Transition to Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Surgery
Anaizi, Amjad N.; Taylor, Christopher S.; Kosty, Jennifer; Zimmer, Lee; Theodosopoulos, Philip V.: Endoscopic Pituitary Tumor Surgery: The Learning Curve
Cote, Martin; Salzman, Karen L.; Sorour, Mohammad; Couldwell, William T.: Normal Dimensions of the Posterior Pituitary Bright Spot on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Pease, Matthew; Ling, Chao; Shi, Lingling; Punj, Vasu; Shiroishi, Mark; Cummins, Deborah; Weisenberger, Dan; Wang, Kai; Zada, Gabriel: Genome-Scale Profiling of DNA Methylation in Sporadic Pituitary Macroadenomas: Association with Tumor Invasion and Histopathological Subtype
Ajlan, Abdulrazag; Achrol, Achal S.; Feroze, Abdullah H.; Westbroek, Erick M.; Harsh, Griffith R.: Cavernous Sinus Involvement in Pituitary Adenomas
Fournier, J.-y.; Tasman, A. j.; Schmid, R.; Schindel, R.; Engel, D. c.: Experimental Model for Training of Endoscopic Transsphenoidal Pituitary Adenoma Resection
Koutourousiou, Maria; Vaz Guimaraes Filho, Francisco; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Wang, Eric W.; Snyderman, Carl H.; Gardner, Paul A.: Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery for Tumors of the Cavernous Sinus: Experience of 234 Cases
Kistka, Heather M.; Kasl, Rebecca A.; Nayeri, Arash; Utz, Andrea L.; Weaver, Kyle D.; Chambless, Lola B.: Imaging of Nonfunctioning Pituitary Adenomas: The Cost of Surveillance
Fournier, Jean-Yves; Yetimoglu, Cem; Lange, Heidrun; Abel Tasman, Jan; Hildebrand, Gerhard; Engel, Doortje Caroline: Endoscopic versus Microscopic Transsphenoidal Resection of Sellar Pathologies: New and Learning Against the Advanced Expert
Morera Porras, Victor A.; Zadeh, Gelareh; Gentili, Fred; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan: Endoscopic Anatomy and Approach of the Cavernous Sinus
de Souza, Daniel G.; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; Barges-Coll, Juan; Doglietto, Francesco; Morera, Victor; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: Superior Hypophyseal Artery Anatomy: A Ventral Perspective
Lall, Rohan R.; Lall, Rishi R.; Schumacher, Andrew; McCaslin, Addason; Kalapurakal, John; Chandler, James P.: Very Low Dose Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Vestibular Schwannoma
Chaudhary, Navjot; Gibbs, Iris; Soltys, Scott; Harsh, Griffith; Chang, Steven D.: Radiosurgery Treatment of New and Recurrent Glomus Tumors
Jacob, Jeffrey T.; Oldenburg, Michael S.; Carlson, Matthew L.; Colin, Driscoll L.; Link, Micheal J.: Cochlear Radiation Dose Does Not Affect Hearing Preservation after Gamma Knife Radiosurgery in Those without Vestibular Schwannoma
Kupferman, Michael E.; Hanna, Ehab Y.: Towards Endonasal Robotic Skull Base Surgery
Carlson, Matthew L.; Stavas, Mark J.; Attia, Albert; Rivas, Alejandro; Jacobson, Gary P.; Wanna, George B.: Does Radiation Dose to the Labyrinth Predict Change in Balance Function and Patient Perceived Dizziness following Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Vestibular Schwannoma?
Larjani, Soroush; Mansouri, Alireza; Kilian, Alexandra; Kilronomos, George; Gentili, Fred; Zadeh, Gelareh: Predictors of Meningioma Response to Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Post-Operative Complications
Guthikonda, Bharat; Ambekar, Sudheer; Sharma, Mayur; Ahmed, Osama; Nixon, Menarvia; Amene, Chiazo; Nanda, Anil: The Utility and Limitations of Indocyanine Green Video Angiography for Anterior Circulation Aneurysm Surgery
Boudreaux, Ben; Flores, Bruno; Lewis, Jeremy; Barnett, Samuel: The Far-Lateral Transcondylar Approach to Pontomedullary Junction Brainstem Cavernomas
Kouhi, Ali; Motasaddi Zarandy, Masoud: Management of Glomus Tumors in a Single Referral Center
Setty, Pradeep; D'Andrea, Kenneth P.; Stucken, Emily; Pieper, Daniel R.: Purely Endoscopic Management of Vestibular Schwannomas
Anaizi, Amjad N.; Gantwerker, Eric; Pensak, Myles; Theodosopoulos, Philip V.: Facial Nerve Preservation Surgery for Koos Stage 3 and 4 Vestibular Schwannomas
Copeland, William R.; Mallory, Grant W.; Neff, Brian A.; Driscoll, Colin L.; Link, Michael J.: Predictors of Cerebrospinal Fluid Leak after Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery
Mallory, Grant W.; Copeland, William R.; Neff, Brian; Driscoll, Colin L.; Link, Michael: A Comparison of Management Strategies for Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks following Vestibular Schwannoma Removal
Agnihotri, Sameer; Burrell, Kelly E.; Jalali, Shahrzad; Sabha, Nesrin; Krischek, Boris; Aldape, Kenneth D.; Zadeh, Gelareh: Exploring Therapeutic Targets in Schwannoma Through Integrative Analysis
Carlson, Matthew L.; Driscoll, Colin L.; Neff, Brian A.; Tombers, Nicole M.; Sullan, Molly J.; Lohse, Christine M.; Pollock, Bruce E.; Link, Michael J.: Headache Disability following Observation, Stereotactic Radiosurgery, and Microsurgery for Small-to-Medium Sized Vestibular Schwannoma
Mehta, Rahul; Spear, Samuel; Mary Ying, Yu-Lan; Scrantz, Kelly J.; Nuss, Daniel W.; Arriaga, Moises A.: Temporal Bone Encephalocele Repair – Our Experience
Masterson, L.; Rouhani, M. J.; Donnelly, N. P.; Tysome, J. R.; Patel, P.; Axon, P.; Moffatt, D. A.: Squamous Carcinoma of the Temporal Bone: Lessons Learned Over the Past Thirty Years
Spear, Samuel A.; Mehta, Rahul; Mary Ying, Yu-Lan; Nuss, Daniel W.; Arriaga, Moises A.: External Auditory Canal and Temporal Bone Carcinoma with Parotid Gland and Facial Nerve Involvement