DOI: 10.1055/s-00000167

International Journal of Angiology

Ausgabe 01 · Volume 5 · Dezember 1996 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21889

Original Articles

Heng, Ming K.; Allen, Suni G.; Song, Moon K.; Heng, Madalene C. Y.: Mitochondrial crowding in smooth muscle cells after arterial ligation
Yoshizu, Hiroshi; Okuda, Eriya; Haga, Yoshiyuki; Hatori, Nobuo; Mitsumaru, Atsuhiro; Tanaka, Susumu: Clinical application of intrathecal lidocaine administration in surgery of the descending thoracic aorta
Sato, Hiroshi; Okamura, Masao; Kurogane, Keiji; Takeuchi, Yoshio; Ota, Toshiaki; Okada, Masayoshi: Assessment of flow velocity in saphenous vein graft using the Doppler guidewire
Yalow, Rosalyn S.: Concerns with radiation
Hepp, Wolfgang; von Bary, Siegfried; Corovic, Dejan; Diehm, Curt; Mühe, Erich; Rudofsky, Gottfried; Scheffler, Peter; Vogelpohl, Michael: Clinical efficacy of IV prostaglandin E1 and IV pentoxifylline in patients with arterial occlusive disease of fontaine stage IIb: A multicenter, randomized comparative study
Järvinen, Otso; Laurikka, Jari; Sisto, Tero; Salenius, Juha -P.; Tarkka, Matti R.; Lindholm, T. Sam: Atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta and its visceral branches: Associations with other manifestations of atherosclerosis in an autopsy study
Caner, Hakan; Kilinc, Kamer; Ayhan, Ayse; Benli, Kemal; Saglam, Suleyman; Haberal, Mehmet: Preliminary report: Effect of cobaltous ion on cerebral vasospasm in a rabbit subarachnoid hemorrhage model
Fazio, Serafino; Sabatini, Domenico; Cittadini, Antonello; Cocozza, Manlio; Cuocolo, Alberto; Merola, Bartolomeo; Colao, Annamaria; Biondi, Bernadette; Lombardi, Gaetano; Saccà, Luigi: Cardiac involvement in active uncomplicated acromegaly
Huk, Igor; Nanobashvili, Joseph; Punz, Andreas; Lassner, Herwig; Mueller, Markus; Siegl, Helga; Neumayer, Christoph; Mittlboeck, Martina; Roth, Erich: Influence of a short-term acute ischemia and reperfusion on skeletal muscle metabolism and morphology in rabbits