DOI : 10.1055/s-00000041


Issue 02 · Volume 41 · August 2010 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-21261

Abstracts of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Society of Neuropediatrics
Mannheim, 22.–25. September 2010

Chair: Prof. Dr. med. Ingeborg Krägeloh-Mann, Tübingen

Bockius, D; Jung, T; Neuhausen, P; Reitter, M; Pykal, U; Mildenberger, E; Reitter, B; Rhein, M von: Proposal on an evaluation form for the standardized indication of physiotherapy and occupational therapy and scientific application in neonatology
Haas-Lude, K; Nagel, C; Schwarze, CP; Mautner, VF: Growth hormone treatment of patients with neurofibromatosis type 1
Finetti, C; Feldkamp, A; Schlunz-Hendann, M; Brassel, F; Rosenbaum, T: The plexiform neurofibroma is an important differential diagnosis of congenital facial swelling
Plümpe, N; Rosenbaum, T; Wimmer, K; Kämmerer, F; Finetti, C: Neurofibromatosis type 1 and Arnold-Chiari-malformation. An unknown association?