Minim Invasive Neurosurg 2001; 44(1): 13-16
DOI: 10.1055/s-2001-14511
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart · New York

Minimally Invasive Craniotomy Using the Steiner-Lindquist Stereotaxic Guide

A. Bekar, E. Korfali, B. Çalişir, Ş. Tolunay
  • Departments of Neurosurgery and Pathology, Uludağ University School of Medicine, Bursa, Turkey
Further Information

Publication History

Publication Date:
31 December 2001 (online)

Thirty-three obscure intracranial lesions were located using the Steiner-Lindquist microsurgical stereotaxic guide and then surgically resected. Seventeen of the lesions were located in the parietal region, six in the frontal region, three in the parietooccipital region, three in the temporoparietal region, one in the thalamic region, one in the centrum semiovale, one in the brainstem, and one in the third ventricle. Twenty-three lesions were in subcortical or cortical locations. In 28 cases, the lesion was totally removed, while in 5 the lesion was subtotally resected. Pathological examinations confirmed glial tumor in eight patients, metastasis in seven, meningioma in two, cavernous angioma in eight, arteriovenous malformation (AVM) in four, hematoma in two, dysembryoblastic neuroepithelial tumor in one, and septum pellucidum cyst in one. Two patients developed transient complications postsurgery. Mean lesion size was 23 ± 0.97 mm. The hospitalization period ranged from 1 to 6 days (mean 3.4 ± 1.3 days). Surgeries were performed under general anesthesia, or under local anesthesia with the patient awake. The Steiner-Lindquist microsurgical stereotaxic guide is useful for pinpointing small lesions, especially those in the subcortical and deep areas. Knowing the precise location of the lesion facilitates removal through a small craniotomy incision. This minimally invasive procedure reduces the number of postoperative neurological complications, and also cuts costs by shortening the hospital stay.


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Corresponding Author

A Bekar,M. D 

Department of Neurosurgery
Uludağ University
School of Medicine

16059 Bursa

Phone: Phone:+90-224-442-8081

Fax: Fax:+90-224-442-8034
