CC BY 4.0 · Aorta (Stamford) 2021; 09(01): 042-043
DOI: 10.1055/s-0041-1732445
Reviewers' List

Appreciation to Reviewers in 2020


    AORTA would like to thank the following reviewers for their contribution and support as expert peer reviewers of submitted scientific papers in 2020. Your efforts, insight, and judgment are greatly appreciated. Thank you for your contributions to AORTA in 2020.

    Donald Adam

    Daniel Anderson

    Roland Assi, MD, MMS

    Simon C. Body, MBChB, MPH, FAHA

    Michael A. Borger, MD, PhD

    Oliver Bouchot, MD, PhD

    Harisios Boudoulas, MD

    Alan Braverman, MD

    Duke Cameron

    Ludovic Canaud, MD, PhD

    Davide Carino, MD

    Thierry Carrel, MD

    Roberto Chiesa

    Lawrence S. Cohen, MD

    Sitaram Chilakamarry

    Anneke Damberg, MD

    Alan Dardik, MD, PhD

    Luca Di Marco, MD

    Alan Daugherty, PhD, DSc

    Tirone E. David

    Abe DeAnda, MD

    Dimitrios Dougenis, MD, PhD

    Roberto Di Bartolomeo

    Julia Dumfarth, MD

    Young Erben, MD

    Emily Farkas

    Theodor Fischlein

    Anthony Furnary, MD

    S. David Gertz, MD, PhD

    Leonard Girardi, MD

    Robin Heijmen, MD, PhD

    Sarah Hull

    Jay Humphrey

    Gabriele Iannelli, MD

    John Ikonomidis, MD, PhD

    Jeffrey Indes, MD

    Kim de la Cruz, MD

    Ion Jovin, MD

    Paris Kalogerakos, MD, PhD

    Habib Khan, MBBS

    Ulas Kumbasar, MD

    Scott A. LeMaire, MD

    George V. Letsou, MD

    Robert Levine, MD

    Yupeng Li, PhD

    Wei-Guo Ma, MD, PhD

    Giovanni Mariscalco

    Jorge G. Mascaro, MD

    Bernardo Mendes

    D. Craig Miller

    Salvior MOK, MD

    Makoto Mori, MD

    Giacomo Murana

    Spyros Mylonas, MD

    Aung Oo, MD

    Kristine Clodfelter Orion, MD

    Philip Pang, MD

    Sven Peterss, MD

    Gabriele Piffaretti, MD, PhD

    Ourania Preventza, MD

    Cha Rajakaruna, MD

    T. Brett Reece

    John Rizzo

    Charles Roberts

    Chris Rokkas

    Stefano Schena, MD, PhD

    Ulrich Schneider

    Prem Shekar, MD, MBA

    Konstantinos Spanos

    Louis Stein, MD, PhD, MHS

    Wei Sun

    Hiroo Takayama, MD, PhD

    Ramesh K. Tripathi, MD, FRCS, FRACS

    Marko Turina, MD

    Gilbert R. Upchurch, MD

    Konstantin von Aspern, MD

    Michiel Vriesendorp, MD

    Bulat A. Ziganshin, MD, PhD

    Bijoy G. Rajbanshi, MD


    No conflict of interest has been declared by the author(s).

    Publication History

    Article published online:
    04 October 2021

    © 2021. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, permitting unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction so long as the original work is properly cited. (

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