Nuklearmedizin 1983; 22(06): 306-308
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1624149
Originalarbeiten - Original Articles
Schattauer GmbH

51Cr-Bleomycin in the Diagnosis of Ocular Melanoma[*]

51Cr-Bleomycin in der Diagnose des okulären Melanoms
J. Liniecki
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
T. Pertynski
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
Z. Krawczykowa
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
J. Stepien
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
K. Durski
1   From the Department of Nuclear Medicine, Med. School (Head: Prof. J. Liniecki), Lodz, Poland
2   From the Dept, of Ophtamology, Military Med. School (Head: Prof. Z. Krawczykowa), Lodz, Poland
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Publication History

Received: 14 July 1983

Publication Date:
10 January 2018 (online)

51Cr-bleomycin was administered to 18 patients suspected of having an ocular melanoma with varying degree of development. The diagnosis was verified prior to surgical removal of the eye-ball by fluorescent angiography and computerized axial tomography. In operated patients histological diagnosis was also available. Scintigraphy after 51Cr-bleomycin administration appeared to be an effective diagnostic measure: sensitivity and specificity reached 90 and 87%, respectively. It is concluded that the method is useful in the preoperative diagnosis of ocular melanoma.

In 18 diagnostisch schwierigen Fällen mit Verdacht auf ein Augenmelanom wurde 51Cr-Bleomycin verabreicht, wobei zur Verifikation die Fluoroszeinangiographie und die Computertomographie vor chirurgischer Entfernung des Auges dienten. Bei den operierten Patienten standen auch histologische Beobachtungen zur Verfügung. Die Ergebnisse der szintigraphischen Untersuchungen zeigten deren hohe Empfindlichkeit (90%) und hohe Spezifität (87%). Auf Grund der erzielten Ergebnisse läßt sich schließen, daß die angewandte Methode in solchen Fällen erfolgreich eingesetzt werden kann.

* The study was performed under research contract No. 0310 with the National Oncological Programme PR-6.

  • References

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  • 4 Rembelska M, Liniecki J. 51Cr-bleomycin, a new oncophilic radiopharmaceutical. I. Activity concentrations in transplantable tumours and organs (tissues) of mice. Nucl. Med. 21: 62-61 1982;