Homœopathic Links 2014; 27(2): 123
DOI: 10.1055/s-0034-1368328
Sonntag Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG Stuttgart · New York

Prasanta Banerji, Pratip Banerji: “The Banerji Protocols. A New Method of Treatment with Homeopathic Medicine”

Corrie Hiwat , The Netherlands
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Publication Date:
05 June 2014 (online)

When a new book arrives on the market it is often the title that attracts my attention first. When the book is on homeopathic protocols for cancer and other serious conditions it will definitely invite me to open it up.

Then with a quick glance (I already have so many books and do I really need another one?), I decide whether it is worth my attention and my money.

When it is, I know because I start to actually read it and then, if possible, take the book with me to a quiet corner (this is usually happening at busy seminars) to look at it more carefully. When that has happened I know I would like to buy the book and start looking at the price. With this book the price I must say gave me a bit of a shock. € 100 for a 176 page book is far from cheap!

To cut a long story short, I wanted to have this book. Letʼs face it, where can we find a contemporary book that is based on a lifetime of experience, filled with information and documentation about a disease that nowadays everyone, sooner or later, seems to be suffering from. On top of this, the book claims to be able to cure cancer (and so many other very serious conditions) with homeopathy! I know that homeopathy is capable of doing that, but who has developed a protocol for it and does research with it?

There are probably more people that are doing this with success, but why are these people not working together and bringing it out to the public and medical establishment?

What was striking and appealing to me with this book was the practical approach, the easy application of the treatment and the enormous amount of data that had been collected. There it was, available for reading, full of “before and after” scans and X-rays and medical results.

The book opens with an introduction to the history of the family, a description of the “Central problem of Homeopathy”, the “Evolution of the Banerji Protocols”, the “Worldwide Interest of the Protocols” and more.

There are six chapters of which chapter one is the largest and is solemnly on cancer, in all its several forms.

But do not be mistaken; even when only that particular chapter is worth our reading, the other chapters also offer a great amount of information.

To my big surprise the last chapter (six) is on travelling in space with the title:

“A Protocol of Ultradilute Medicines for Application in Space Missions and Extraterrestrial Settlements”. Do I need to say more?

So is this book worth your effort and money? Yes it is! Especially if you are looking for a treatment protocol for very serious diseases and whether you can agree or not to such an approach, fact is that both doctors cure their patients and have a solid foundation and reasoning for doing it in this way.

The index, although very handy if you want to have a quick look at what is the described protocol for so and so, is not always very consistent. While there is an alphabetical order that relates to the disease name, certain diseases are lacking or not to be found under the logical letter. For example, there is no uterus cancer under the U. What we find there is uterus tumour, but that only refers to a case, while the whole subject itself is to be found (hidden) in the first chapter. Also some references are not under the common name, such as high blood pressure. This is not under the H, but under the B of blood pressure, while the content is all on high blood pressure.

Besides the specific chapters on cancer, renal failure and the intriguing chapter six, the book deals with a great deal of conditions from Acne rosacea to Weight loss and the whole alphabet in between. Only X, Y, and Z are missing.

So apart from a better index, after all, that is where we first search, I have no complaints – OK yes, the price is a bit over the top. I donʼt know if Indian doctors seem to think that the rest of the world is wealthy, so we can afford to pay these prices?

In spite of that, I am making good use of the book and that is worth a lot and I am looking forward to reading much more from these gifted, hard working and dedicated doctors.