Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 2010; 118(5): 328-332
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1247543

© J. A. Barth Verlag in Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Role of Electrolytes and Glucose in the Insulin-Induced Electrochemical Effect in Sheep Pleura

V. K. Kouritas1 , C. H. Hatzoglou1 , K. I. Gourgoulianis2 , P. A. Molyvdas1
  • 1Department of Physiology, Medical School of Larissa, University of Thessaly, Greece
  • 2Department of Thoracic Diseases, Larissa University Hospital, Greece
Further Information

Publication History

received 26.09.2009 first decision 09.01.2010

accepted 15.01.2010

Publication Date:
16 February 2010 (online)


Aim: Insulin induces electrochemical alterations in sheep visceral and parietal pleura, an effect abolished by the Na+-channel blocker amiloride and the Na+-K+ pump inhibitor ouabain. The aim of this study was to further investigate the role of different electrolytes and glucose in these electrochemical changes.

Materials and methods: Sheep pleural specimens were mounted in Ussing chambers. Insulin (10−7M) was added mesothelially in Na+, K+, Ca2+-free, low H+ and glucose solutions. In other experiments, specimens were pretreated with K+ and Ca2+-free Krebs solutions. Trans-mesothelial Resistance was determined.

Results: Insulin did not increase Trans-mesothelial Resistance of visceral and parietal pleura in K+-free (p=0.008 and p=0.028 respectively), Ca2+-free (p=0.006 and p=0.012 respectively) and low glucose (p=0.009 and p=0.03 respectively) solutions. This effect was totally inhibited in Na+-free solutions or in specimens pretreated with Ca2+ -free Krebs solution and partially inhibited, when low H+ solutions were used (p=0.042 for visceral and p=0.045 for parietal).

Conclusion: Insulin-induced electrochemical changes in sheep pleura are mainly associated with alterations in Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations. Since amiloride and ouabain abolish these electrochemical changes, it may be suggested that insulin could influence the pleural fluid recycling, mainly via the Na+ transportation system, irrespective of the glucose content.


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V. K. KouritasMD, PhD 

Department of Physiology

Medical School of Larissa

University of Thessaly

Mezourlo 41 100

PO Box 1400



Phone: +30 2410 655 655

Fax: +30 2410 670 240

Email: kouritas@otenet.gr