Drug Res (Stuttg) 2022; 72(08): 417-423
DOI: 10.1055/a-1886-3208

Dendrimers: A Neuroprotective Lead in Alzheimer Disease: A Review on its Synthetic approach and Applications

Aditya Singh
1   Department of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow, India
1   Department of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow, India
Tarique Mahmood
1   Department of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow, India
Farogh Ahsan
1   Department of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow, India
Rufaida Wasim
1   Department of Pharmacy, Integral University, Lucknow, India
› Author Affiliations


Alzheimer disease is a neurodegenerative disease that is signified by cognitive decline, memory loss, and erratic behavior. Dendrimers are a type of polymer that has a well-defined structure, a high degree of molecular uniformity, and a low polydispersity which have shown to be effective intracellular drug carriers for bring down the in numerous cases. The data reported by the clinical trials and chemical bonds of dendrimers loading and biological properties that may be used in the bringing out the treatment of nano formulation for Alzheimer disease. Below-range dendrimers have an unlocked figure, but higher-range dendrimers have a more globular and dense structure so handling is difficult. Dendrimers are similar in size to a variety of biological structures; for example, fifth-generation polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers are similar in size and shape to haemoglobin (5.5 nm diameter). Each generation of dendrimer is described in terms of size, shape, molecular weight, and the number of surface functional groups, with increasing growth specified in terms of 'generation number.' In contrast, Hawker and Frechet were the first to report the convergent approach. A stepwise repeating reaction strategy is used to synthesize dendrimers radically from a central core. The value of dendrimers as drug carriers is discussed in this paper. The information presented in this article can provide useful references for further studies on making dendrimers and applications.

Publication History

Received: 28 April 2022

Accepted: 27 June 2022

Article published online:
05 August 2022

© 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.

Georg Thieme Verlag
Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

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