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DOI: 10.4322/jms.069914
Paramastoid apophysis: case report
Publication History
11 March 2014
08 July 2015
Publication Date:
08 October 2018 (online)
The aim of this study was to report a case of a paramastoid apophysis of a human skull, identified during routine lessons at the Laboratory of Human Anatomy, Federal University of Pernambuco and Recife-PE, Brazil. The skull used in this study showed a morphological variation present only on the right side of the occipital bone, which had a height of 18.10 mm and had a facet joint with the transverse process of the atlas, being identified as paramastoid apophysis. Other anatomical variations in skull were found as: presence of sutural bone along the lambdoidal suture and persistent metopic suture. Thus, this study will be important for the health sciences and those who keep interest in pathologies associated with atlanto-occipital joint, because the description of the structures that deviate from the normal organogenesis resulting from disorders: hereditary basis or not, has a practical interest that prints the modification to the arrangement of the constituent elements of the region and possible functional alterations resulting therefrom.