Plant Biol (Stuttg) 2000; 2(4): 415-427
DOI: 10.1055/s-2000-5953
Original Paper
Georg Thieme Verlag Stuttgart ·New York

A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Plastid matK Gene with Emphasis on Melanthiaceae sensu lato

S. Fuse, M. N. Tamura
  • Botanical Gardens, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
Further Information

Publication History

November 30, 1999

April 17, 2000

Publication Date:
31 December 2000 (online)


The presented matK tree primarily agrees well with the previously presented rbcL tree and combined rbcL + atpB + 18SrDNA tree. According to the matK tree, the monocotyledons are monophyletic with 100 % bootstrap support. Acorus diverges first from all other monocotyledons (90 % bootstrap support) in which two major clades are recognized: one (89 %) consisting of Alismatanae and Tofieldia (Nartheciaceae), and the other (< 50 %) comprising Lilianae, Commelinanae and Nartheciaceae other than Tofieldia. Within the latter major clade, Petrosavia and Japonolirion (Nartheciaceae) (82 %) diverge first from the remaining taxa (< 50 %) in which two clades are formed: one (81 %) consisting of Pandanales, Dioscoreales and Nartheciaceae-Narthecioideae, and the other (< 50 %) comprising Liliales, Asparagales and Commelinanae. In the former clade, Dioscoreales and Narthecioideae are grouped together (88 %). In the latter clade, Asparagales and Commelinanae are grouped together (< 50 %). Differences between the matK and rbcL tree topologies appear in the positions of Tricyrtis (Calochortaceae) and Dracaenaceae. Differences between the matK and combined rbcL + atpB + 18SrDNA tree topologies exist in the positions of the Petrosavia-Japonolirion pair (Nartheciaceae) and Pandanales. The stop codon position of the matK gene appears to be highly variable among the monocotyledons, especially in the Liliales.


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M. N. Tamura

Botanical Gardens Graduate School of Science Osaka City University

2000 Kisaichi Katano-shi Osaka 576-0004 Japan


Section Editor: M. Hasebe