Planta Med 2013; 79 - PK12
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1352273

The ash content in dried fruits of Vitex agnus-castus – wild collecting vs. controlled cultivation

A Chaanin 1
  • 1VitaPlant AG, 8592 Uttwil, Switzerland

Ash contents take an important part in the evaluation of raw materials for pharmaceutical use. In the monograph of the Pharm. Eur the ash content for dried fruits of Vitex agnus-castus is limited at max. 5.0%. Until now the procurement of Vitex agnus-castus resulted predominantly from wild collection. Generally this limit wasn't exceeded as far as the harvest and the postharvest treatment were carried out properly and under submission of GACP guidelines. In the controlled cultivation the situation is different. The ash content maximally permitted frequently is exceeded by 5.0% (up to 8.0%).

In order to explain the increase of ash contents, detailed investigations delivered no variation of the ash contents after different washings of the fruits of Vitex. In further experiments, the mineral composition of dried Vitex fruits of wild collection and of controlled cultivation was analyzed. Increased contents were found mainly in the macro and micro elements [potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and manganese]. Oppositely, no increase was measured in elements, which according to the current knowledge are not essential for the nutrition of higher plants, as cadmium, lead, silver and cobalt. The values determined in the fruits of Vitex deriving from cultivation do not differ considerably from the fruits contents of various other plant species.

In summary, the high content of ash determined in the dried fruits of Vitex produced under controlled cultivation in comparison with fruits out of wild collection isn't due to soiling during harvesting or the steps after. The higher concentration of the mineral components is based on the use of fertilizers in the controlled cultivation. However, the nutrient contents in the fruits of Vitex are in a normal range in the plant kingdom. Due the optimal provision of the plants with fertilizers a rise of the nutrient contents in different plant parts and thus the entire ash content of the fruits is to expect.