Z Orthop Unfall 2013; 151(03): 217-218
DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1349247
Junges Forum
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Pilotprojekt zur Nachwuchsgewinnung – Neues Wahlfach an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

Pilot Scheme to Gain Young Professionals in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery – A New Optional Subject for Students at the Medical School in Göttingen (Germany)
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17. Juni 2013 (online)


The Young Forum of the German Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology is an interest group of young orthopedics and trauma surgeons in Germany. Besides dealing with topics of political interest, the group tries to arouse enthusiasm and interest for musculosceletal surgery by means of new lectures and teaching methods.

An example is the newly invented optional subject for students at the Medical School in Göttingen (Germany). The idea for such a new teaching offer was built by the Young Forum itself. The optional subject was on the syllabus for the first time this year and the organization was done by the university Department of Trauma Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The course is divided in two main parts: a theoretical (16 hours) and a practical (10 hours) one. A good ratio of lectures, skills stations and workshops was on choice. This article explains the course in detail and shows a first evaluation result.