Planta Med 2008; 74 - PE26
DOI: 10.1055/s-0028-1084725

Anatomical study of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels and its antimalarial activity and cytotoxicity

F El Babili 1, I Fouraste 1, S Maurel 1, A Valentin 1, C Moulis 1
  • 1Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences – UMR IRD/UPS 152– „Pharmacochimie des Substances Naturelles et Pharmacophores Redox“ –35 ch. des maraîchers – F- 31062 Toulouse

Argan tree, endemic to Morocco, furnishes as side product, a cake used to feed the cattle and complemented the forage furnished by the leaves and fruits [1]. Numerous studies, ecological [2], biological [3] and phytochemical have been conducted.

In our work, we studied anatomical and micrographic features of stem, leaves and fruits of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels. It might provide assistance in the identification, analysis and standardization of Argania spinosa (L.) Skeels stem, leaves and fruit in order to obtain phytotherapeutic drugs, and of the crude drug as well. In addition, we found an antimalarial (35µg/ml) and cytotoxic (42µg/ml) activity of the ethyl acetate extract of Argania spinosa fruits.

Figure 1: Suber (S), Calcium oxalate crystals (O), Laticiferous (L). – Scale bars: 0.5µm

Figure 2: Laticifer details – Scale bars: 0.07µm

Figure 3: Covering trichomes „in shuttle“


1. Khallouki, F. et al. (2005) African Journal of Biotechnology, 4(5): 381–388.

2. Nouaim, R., et al. (2002) Agroforestry systems, 54: 71–81

3. Moukal, A. (2004) Phytothérapie, 5: 135–141

4. Guillaume, D. (2005) Cahiers Agricultures, 14, 6: 509–516

5. Speranza, A., (2005) – Atlas de la structure des plantes Guide de l'anatomie microscopique des plantes vasculaires Collection: Belin sup