DOI: 10.1055/s-00000127

Homœopathic Links


Lang E.
Das Neue Repertorium homeopathicum - Geist-Gemütsrubriken und ihre analogen Bedeutungen (The New Homeopathic Repertory – Mind rubrics and their analogous meanings). Worpswede: Eva Lang; 2005 (Eva-Lang-Verlag publishes all seminars held by the Sehgal brothers both as books and as CDs. The works of the founder of the Sehgal method, M.L. Sehgal, and that of his sons is also available in German there. The English books bare this title ROH [Rediscovery of Homeopathy] BOOKS SERIES 1–12).

New Delhi: Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers; 1990

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