Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes
Issue 09 ·
Volume 128 ·
September 2020
DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49372
Uter, Jan Christoph;
Krämer, Ulrike M.;
Schöls, Ludger;
Rodriguez-Fornells, Antoni;
Göbel, Anna;
Heldmann, Marcus;
Lichtner, Peter;
Brabant, Georg;
Münte, Thomas F.:
Correction: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Thyroid Hormone Transporter Genes
MCT8, MCT10 and Deiodinase DIO2 Contribute to Inter-Individual Variance of
Executive Functions and Personality Traits
Uter, Jan Christoph;
Krämer, Ulrike M.;
Schöls, Ludger;
Rodriguez-Fornells, Antoni;
Göbel, Anna;
Heldmann, Marcus;
Lichtner, Peter;
Brabant, Georg;
Münte, Thomas F.:
Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in Thyroid Hormone Transporter Genes
MCT8, MCT10 and Deiodinase DIO2 Contribute to Inter-Individual Variance of
Executive Functions and Personality Traits
Auzanneau, Marie;
Rosenbauer, Joachim;
Icks, Andrea;
Karges, Beate;
Neu, Andreas;
Ziegler, Ralph;
Marg, Wolfgang;
Kapellen, Thomas;
Holterhus, Paul-Martin;
Holl, Reinhard W.:
Hospitalization in Pediatric Diabetes: A Nationwide Analysis of all
Admission Causes for Germany in 2015
Letter to the Editor