DOI: 10.1055/s-00000072

Seminars in Reproductive Medicine

Issue 05/06 · Volume 37 · September 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-49269 Reproductive Health Needs of the Military and Veterans: Part 3 Guest Editors, Alicia Y. Christy, MD, MHSCR, FACOG and Gilbert L. Mottla, MD



Review Article

Hamilton, Chad A.; Maxwell, George L.; Casablanca, Yovanni: Gynecologic Oncology in the Department of Defense
Lentscher, Jessica A.; Combs, Joshua C.; Walker, Karrie; Young, Christopher M.; Chason, Rebecca: Postdeployment Fertility Challenges and Treatment in the Modern Era
Jeelani, Roohi; Lieberman, Daniel; Chen, Serena H.: Is Patient Advocacy the Solution to Physician Burnout?
Vlasak, Alexander L.; Schaub, Amelia; Barry, Margaret E. Robin; Rhoton-Vlasak, Alice S.: The Neuroanatomy of Reproduction: Seeing Is Believing
Nasab, Susan; Rushing, John S.; Segars, James H.; Evers, Emily; Handa, Victoria L.; Lawson, Shari; Miller, Colleen; Yenokyan, Gayane; Bienstock, Jessica; Satin, Andrew J.: A Mentorship Program for Academic Obstetrician Gynecologists that Improved Publication and Overall Confidence for Success
Bozdag, Gurkan; Turkyilmaz, Esengul; Yildiz, Sule; Mumusoglu, Sezcan; Yarali, Hakan: Progesterone Elevation and Preventive Strategies to Avoid Implantation Failure