DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue S 01 · Volume 68 · January 2020 DOI: 10.1055/s-010-45883

49th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Wiesbaden, 29.02 – 03.03.2020

Khachatryan, Z.; von Aspern, K.; Haunschild, J.; Simoniuk, U.; Ossmann, S.; Branzan, D.; Schmidt, A.; Borger, M.; Etz, C.: Perioperative Real-Time Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Monitoring of the Spinal Cord Collateral Network: Comparison of Two Clinically Available Systems
Motekallemi, A.; Usai, M.; Ibrahim, A.; Martens, S.; Oberhuber, A.; Dell 'Aquila, A.; Rukosujew, A.: Volume Changes of the True- and False-Lumen in the Descending Aorta after Frozen Elephant Trunk Implantation
Berger, T.; Andreas, V.; Kreibich, M.; Rylski, B.; Beyersdorf, F.; Siepe, M.; Czerny, M.; Winkler, A.; Seitelberger, R.; Gottardi, R.: Aortic Diameter Changes in Patients with Acute Traumatic Aortic Injury: Possible Implications for Stent-Graft Sizing
Haunschild, J.; Khachatryan, Z.; von Aspern, K.; Bianchi, E.; Ossmann, S.; Borger, M.; Etz, C.: Impact of CSF Pressure Increase on Spinal Cord Perfusion Simulating Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in a Large Animal Model