DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 02 · Volume 07 · 1962 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-45029

Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux

Hardisty, R. M; Macpherson, Janet C.; Note on the Calculation of Confidence Limits by G. I. C. Ingram: A One-stage Factor VIII (Antihaemophilic Globulin) Assay and its Use on Venous and Capillary Plasma
Pavlovsky, A; Peterson, H; Casillas, G; Simonetti, C; Martinez Canaveri, A; Andino Pavlovsky, A: Use of Factor VIII in the Treatment of Hemophilia
Kowarzyk, Hugon; Głogowska, Irena; Szymik, Stanisław: Clot Component Reacting with Thrombin
Kocholaty, Walter; with technical assistance of Miss S. M. Horn: Peptidase Activity in Human Platelets

Vorläufige Mitteilungen — Preliminary Reports — Communications Préliminaires

Literaturzusammenfassungen — Abstracts — Résumées de la Litérature

Buchbesprechungen — Book Reviews — Livres Nouveaux