DOI : 10.1055/s-00034914


Ausgabe 01 · Volume 28 · Februar 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-42550

Dachverband Osteologie (DVO)
Frankfurt/Main, 28.–30.03.2019

Healthy Aging – Bone and Joint

Kongresspräsidenten: Prof. Dr. med. Peyman Hadji; Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Kurth

P 07
Langdahl, B; Kendler, D; Jódar Gimeno, E; Hyldstrup, L; Dokoupilova, E; Lakatos, P; Bolognese, M; Chen, L; Barry Crittenden, D; Möckel, L; Libanati, C: Pro-Remodeling Effect of Teriparatide Therapy is Associated with Loss of Cortical Mass at the Hip in the STRUCTURE Study
P 08
Lazarescu, AD; Gehlen, M; Hinz, C; Önder, N; Pfeifer, M; Minne, HW; Pfeifer, M: Schwerer Verlauf einer postmenopausalen Osteoporose