DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue S 02 · Volume 67 · January 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-42345

51st Annual Meeting German Society for Pediatric Cardiology
Wiesbaden, 16.–19.02.2019

Lang, N.; Ruf, B.; Borgmann, K.; Weirich, G.; Kuhn, H. P.; Seidel, H.; Siegel, C.; Eicken, A.; Ewert, P.; Balling, G.: Pathology and Genetics of Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia with Misalignment of the Pulmonary Veins and Its Association with Congenital Heart Defects
Diaz-Gil, D.; Stark, V.; Olfe, J.; Reinshagen, K.; Kozlik-Feldmann, R.; Dreimann, M.; Mir, S. T.: Symptomatic Inferior Vena Cava Stenosis after Scoliosis Surgery in a Marfan’s Syndrome Patient with Pectus Excavatum
Kanaan, M.; Klusmeier, E.; Laser, T. K.; Sandica, E.; Kececioglu, D.: Erfolgreiche Korrektur einer abnormalen Lungenvenendrainage mittels Kathetertechnik
Beichl, M.; Klebermaß-Schrehof, K.; Ulm, B.; Wiedemann, D.; Michel-Behnke, I.; Zimpfer, D.: Successful Surgical Treatment of a 1,600 g Preterm with Cardiac Teratoma and Severe Fetal Hydrops
Plümacher, S. K.; Paul, T.; Sigler, M.: Expectoration of Bronchial Casts Caused by Ramipril Treatment
Hüners, I.; Böttcher, M.; Westhofen, S.; Köhne, M.; Kozlik-Feldmann, R.; Reichenspurner, H.; Riso, A.; Sachweh, S. J.; Reinshagen, K.; Biermann, D.: Life-threatening Bronchogenic Cyst in a Pediatric Patient: Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Surgery