DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Issue S 02 · Volume 67 · January 2019 DOI: 10.1055/s-009-42345

51st Annual Meeting German Society for Pediatric Cardiology
Wiesbaden, 16.–19.02.2019

Müller, M.; Kanitz, M.; Krause, U.; Backhoff, D.; Paul, T.; Schneider, H.: Left Cardiac Sympathetic Denervation in Young Patients—Influence on the Sympathetic Nervous System
Schöber, M.; Alkassar, M.; Rüffer, A.; Cesnjevar, R.; Münch, F.; Chada, M.; Metzler, M.; Dittrich, S.: In Osteosarcoma and Anthracycline-Induced Heart Failure Mechanical Left Ventricular Assist Implantation Is Highly Recommended Due to High Relapse Rate of the Tumor
Degener, F.; Opgen-Rhein, B.; Wagner, R.; Boehne, M.; Weigelt, A.; Reineker, K.; Racolta, A.; Müller, G.; Wiegand, G.; Kiski, D.; Rentzsch, A.; Papakostas, K.; Ruf, B.; Hannes, T.; Khalil, M.; Fischer, M.; Kaestner, M.; Steinmetz, M.; Freudenthal, N.; Fischer, G.; Panagiotou, E.; Schweigmann, U.; Pickardt, T.; Klingel, K.; Messroghli, D.; Schubert, S.: Impact of Endomyocardial Biopsy on Treatment and Outcome in Pediatric Myocarditis: Results from the German Multicenter Registry for Pediatric Myocarditis “MYKKE”
Horst, P. J.; Moosmann, J.; Lang, N.; Alkassar, M.; Bublies, E.; Kubicki, R.; Raschzok, S.; Steif, A.; Ziesenitz, V.; Zschirnt, M.; Michel, M.: Pediatric Cardiology Training in Germany: First National Survey of Pediatric Cardiology Residents and Fellows by the “Junges Forum” of the DGPK