DOI: 10.1055/s-00035024

Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Ausgabe 07 · Volume 117 · Juli 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-007-35219



60th Anniversary

Schulman, Sam; Ageno, Walter; Konstantinides, Stavros V.: Venous thromboembolism: Past, present and future
Jamasbi, Janina; Ayabe, Keng; Goto, Shinya; Nieswandt, Bernhard; Peter, Karlheinz; Siess, Wolfgang: Platelet receptors as therapeutic targets: Past, present and future
Weber, Christian; Badimon, Lina; Mach, Francois; van der Vorst, Emiel P. C.: Therapeutic strategies for atherosclerosis and atherothrombosis: Past, present and future
Breier, Georg; Chavakis, Triantafyllos; Hirsch, Emilio: Angiogenesis in metabolic-vascular disease

60th Anniversary

Lip, Gregory Y.H.; Freedman, Ben; De Caterina, Raffaele; Potpara, Tatjana S.: Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: Past, present and future
ten Cate, Hugo; Hackeng, Tilman M.; de Frutos, Pablo García: Coagulation factor and protease pathways in thrombosis and cardiovascular disease

Position Paper

Ridger, Victoria C.; Lip, Gregory Y. H.; Boulanger, Chantal M.; Werner, Nikos; Angelillo-Scherrer, Anne; Shantsila, Eduard; Badimon, Lina; ten Cate, Hugo; Blanc-Brude, Olivier; Thomas, Mark; Harrison, Paul; Bochaton-Piallat, Marie-Luce; Boilard, Eric; Buzas, Edit I.; Caporali, Andreas; Dignat-George, Francoise; Evans, Paul C.; Lacroix, Romaric; Lutgens, Esther; Ketelhuth, Daniel F. J.; Nieuwland, Rienk; Toti, Florence; Tuñon, Jose; Weber, Christian; Hoefer, Imo E.: Microvesicles in vascular homeostasis and diseases

Review Article

Schulman, Sam; Singer, Daniel; Ageno, Walter; Casella, Ivan B.; Desch, Marc; Goldhaber, Samuel Z.: NOACs for treatment of venous thromboembolism in clinical practice

Coagulation and Fibrinolysis

Cohen, Alexander T.; Gitt, Anselm K.; Bauersachs, Rupert; Fronk, Eva-Maria; Laeis, Petra; Mismetti, Patrick; Monreal, Manuel; Willich, Stefan N.; Bramlage, Peter; Agnelli, Giancarlo; the PREFER in VTE Scientific Steering Committee and the PREFER in VTE Investigators; on behalf of: The management of acute venous thromboembolism in clinical practice
Peng, Shuangzhou; Xue, Guangpu; Gong, Lihu; Fang, Chao; Chen, Jingfei; Yuan, Cai; Chen, Zhuo; Yao, Lishan; Furie, Bruce; Huang, Mingdong: A long-acting PAI-1 inhibitor reduces thrombus formation
Kitazawa, Takehisa; Esaki, Keiko; Tachibana, Tatsuhiko; Ishii, Shinya; Soeda, Tetsuhiro; Muto, Atsushi; Kawabe, Yoshiki; Igawa, Tomoyuki; Tsunoda, Hiroyuki; Nogami, Keiji; Shima, Midori; Hattori, Kunihiro: Factor VIIIa-mimetic cofactor activity of a bispecific antibody to factors IX/IXa and X/Xa, emicizumab, depends on its ability to bridge the antigens
Chen, Changming; Yang, Likui; Villoutreix, Bruno O.; Wang, Xuefeng; Ding, Qiulan; Rezaie, Alireza R.: Gly74Ser mutation in protein C causes thrombosis due to a defect in protein S-dependent anticoagulant function
Honickel, Markus; Spronk, Henri M.; Rossaint, Rolf; Stoppe, Christian; van Ryn, Joanne; ten Cate, Hugo; Grottke, Oliver: Dose requirements for idarucizumab reversal of dabigatran in a lethal porcine trauma model with continuous bleeding
Stojkovic, Stefan; Thulin, Åsa; Hell, Lena; Thaler, Barbara; Rauscher, Sabine; Baumgartner, Johanna; Gröger, Marion; Ay, Cihan; Demyanets, Svitlana; Neumayer, Christoph; Huk, Ihor; Spittler, Andreas; Huber, Kurt; Wojta, Johann; Siegbahn, Agneta; Åberg, Mikael: IL-33 stimulates the release of procoagulant microvesicles from human monocytes and differentially increases tissue factor in human monocyte subsets
Tatour, Mifleh; Shapira, Ma'anit; Axelman, Elena; Ghanem, Shourouk; Keren-Politansky, Anat; Bonstein, Lilach; Brenner, Benjamin; Nadir, Yona: Thrombin is a selective inducer of heparanase release from platelets and granulocytes via protease-activated receptor-1

Blood Cells, Inflammation and Infection

Dosier, Laura Beth Mann; Premkumar, Vikram J.; Zhu, Hongmei; Akosman, Izzet; Wempe, Michael F.; McMahon, Timothy J.: Antagonists of the system L neutral amino acid transporter (LAT) promote endothelial adhesivity of human red blood cells

Endothelium and Angiogenesis

de Vries, Margreet R.; Peters, Erna A. B.; Quax, Paul H. A.; Nossent, A. Yaël: von Willebrand factor deficiency leads to impaired blood flow recovery after ischaemia in mice

New Technologies, Diagnostic Tools and Drugs

Zuo, Bin; Zhai, Juping; You, Lifang; Zhao, Yunxiao; Yang, Jianfeng; Weng, Zhen; Dai, Lan; Wu, Qingyu; Ruan, Changgeng; He, Yang: Plasma microRNAs characterising patients with immune thrombo cytopenic purpura
Biedermann, Joseph S.; Rademacher, Willem M. H.; Hazendonk, Hendrika C. A. M.; van Diermen, Denise E.; Leebeek, Frank W. G.; Rozema, Frederik R.; Kruip, Marieke J. H. A.: Predictors of oral cavity bleeding and clinical outcome after dental procedures in patients on vitamin K antagonists

Stroke, Systemic or Venous Thromboembolism

Bembenek, Jan P.; Niewada, Maciej; Siudut, Jakub; Plens, Krzysztof; Członkowska, Anna; Undas, Anetta: Fibrin clot characteristics in acute ischaemic stroke patients treated with thrombolysis: the impact on clinical outcome
Rivera-Caravaca, José Miguel; Roldán, Vanessa; Esteve-Pastor, María Asunción; Valdés, Mariano; Vicente, Vicente; Lip, Gregory Y. H.; Marín, Francisco: Cessation of oral anticoagulation is an important risk factor for stroke and mortality in atrial fibrillation patients