DOI : 10.1055/s-00000089

Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound

Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 37 · August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-32223

40. Dreiländertreffen DEGUM, ÖGUM, SGUM – 28th Euroson Congress of the EFSUMB
DEGUM 2016
Congress Center Leipzig, 26.–29. Oktober 2016

DEGUM Kongresspräsident: Andreas HJ Hagendorff – EFSUMB Congress President: Odd Helge Gilja

Wielandner, A; Bardach, C; Agarwal, P; Tomboel, F; Thuerk, F; Braun, C; Boehme, S; Kaniusas, E; Herold, C; Prosch, H: Diagnostic assessment of acute respiratory distress syndrome with lung ultrasound – comparison with Computed Tomography- preliminary data
Buda, N; Kosiak, W; Rogoza, K; Tomaszewski, D; Lakomy, J: The greater omentum mimics chest tumor – case report
Sengül, A; Kratzer, W; Seufferlein, T; Tasdemir, S; Stroszczynski, C; Beer, M; Gräter, T: Elevation of the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography (CEUS) in radiology departments in Germany
Stöbe, S; Hagendorff, A; Zeynalova, S; Tautenhahn, S; Wirkner, S; Farese, G; Jurisch, D; Pfeiffer, D; Löffler, M: Age-dependency of cardiac morphology and function: results of the LIFE-Adult-Study – analysis of the echocardiographic substudy
Tünnemann-Tarr, A; Stöbe, S; Pfeiffer, D; Varga, A; Hagendorff, A: Detection of cardiotoxicity in patients with breast cancer treated with chemotherapy
Lupusoru, R; Sporea, I; Popescu, A; Sirli, R; Danila, M; Moga, T; Bende, F: A new diagnosis tool for the evaluation of liver fibrosis: Parametric Arrival Time imaging (PAT)
Richter, C; Schwabe, K; Grunert, M; Friemert, B: CEUS in gunshot wound of the liver – first experience in military mission