DOI : 10.1055/s-00000089

Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound

Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 37 · August 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-32223

40. Dreiländertreffen DEGUM, ÖGUM, SGUM – 28th Euroson Congress of the EFSUMB
DEGUM 2016
Congress Center Leipzig, 26.–29. Oktober 2016

DEGUM Kongresspräsident: Andreas HJ Hagendorff – EFSUMB Congress President: Odd Helge Gilja

Mallmann, MR; Graham, V; Rösing, B; Gottschalk, I; Müller, A; Gembruch, U; Geipel, A; Berg, C: Thoracoamniotic shunting for fetal hydrothorax – Predictors of intrauterine course and postnatal outcome
Roethlisberger, M; Strizek, B; Gottschalk, I; Geipel, A; Gembruch, U; Berg, C: First trimester intervention in twin reversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence – does size matter?