DOI : 10.1055/s-00000085

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 64 · Januar 2016 DOI: 10.1055/s-006-30897

48th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Pediatric Cardiology (DGPK)
Leipzig, Germany, 13–16 February 2016

Racolta, A.; Laser, K. T.; Vcasna, R.; Fröhle, M.; Fischer, M.; Happel, C.; Kececioglu, D.; Haas, N. A.: Value of a Standardized Pharmacologic Stress Protocol with Orciprenaline to Assess the Hemodynamic Importance of “Mild” Coarctation of the Aorta
Stec, D.; Glöckler, M.; Schirrmeister, J.; Rüffer, A.; Purbojo, A.; Cesnjevar, R.; Dittrich, S.: Bedeutung von Dobutamintestung und Ballonsizings zur Indikationsstellung für die Behandlung gering- und mittelgradiger (Re-) Aortenisthmusstenosen
Schmitz, H. A.; Hesse, C.; Grosbüsch, S.; Fröhle, M.; Meyer, Z.; Blanz, U.; Kececioglu, D.; Haas, N. A.; Sandica, E.: Multisystemic Smooth Muscle Dysfunction Syndrome:An Unusual Cause for a Gigantic PDA with Bilateral Mydriasis
Angleitner, P.; Herbst, C.; Kitzmüller, E.; Riebandt, J.; Schlöglhofer, T.; Laufer, G.; Michel-Behnke, I.; Zimpfer, D.: Left-Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) and Aortopulmonary Shunt Creation to Support the Failing Univentricular Heart
Wagner, F.; Paech, C.; Suchowerskyj, P.; Riede, F.-T.; Dähnert, I.; Weidenbach, M.: The blue child
Udink ten Cate, F. E.A.; Hannes, T.; Broekaert, I.; Hünseler, C.; Brockmeier, K.; Sreeram, N.: Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Fontan Patients with Protein-Losing Enteropathy: Preliminary Results
du Bois, F.; Stiller, B.; Borth-Bruhns, T.; Unseld, B.; Grohmann, J.; Höhn, R.; Fleck, T.: Hemodynamic Characteristics in Fontan Patients before the Onset of Protein-Losing Enteropathy or Plastic Bronchitis
Georgiev, S.; Ruf, B.; Balling, G.; Kasnar-Samprec, J.; Ewert, P.: Patients with “Early” PCPC have a “Normal” Early Postoperative Course after TCPC