DOI : 10.1055/s-00000181

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

Ausgabe S 01 · Volume 76 · Februar 2015 DOI: 10.1055/s-005-28575

25th Annual Meeting North American Skull Base Society
Presentation Abstracts
Tampa Marriott Waterside Hotel & Marina, Tampa, Florida, 20–25 February 2015

Michael Link, MD

Zanation, Adam M.; Deal, Allison M.; Rawal, Rounak B.; Miller, Justin D.: Quantitative Analysis of Decision Making in Endoscopic versus Open Skull Base Cancer Surgery
Soto, Gervith Reyes; Sosa, Alejandro Monroy; Diaz, Bernardo Cacho; Gomez, Angel Herrera; Garcia, Martin Granados: Transglabellar Combated Extended Approach and Reconstruction in Anterior Skull Base Tumors
Farag, Alexander A.; Mohiuddin, Waseem; Geschwindt, Sonia; Nyquist, Gurston; Evans, James; Rosen, Marc: Frontal Sinus Violation and Management of Complications
Petrov, Dmitriy; Craig, John; Adappa, Nithin; Palmer, James; Lee, John Y.: Surgical Landmarks for the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Medial Intraconal Orbital Apex: A Cadaveric Study
Patel, Chirag R.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.; Snyderman, Carl H.; Gardner, Paul A.; Wang, Eric W.: Anterior Skull Base Descent and Spontaneous Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea due to Prolonged Intracranial Hypertension
Farzal, Zainab; Hackman, Trevor G.; Zanation, Adam M.: Utilization of Free Flaps for Endoscopic Anterior Skull Base Reconstruction
Price, Daniel L.; Link, Michael J.; Moore, Eric J.: Management of Delayed Osteoradionecrosis after Craniofacial Resection
buohLIQAH, laMIA; Upadhyay, Smita; Dolci, Ricardo; Pravedelo, Daniel; Carrau, Ricardo: Can Esthesioneuroblastoma Metastasize to the Paranasal Sinuses?: Clinical Report and Literature Review
Rodgers, Shaun D.; Rastatter, Jeffrey C.; Pritchett, Cedric; Alden, Tord D.: Management of Clival Chordomas in the Pediatric Population: Report of Two Cases
Jacob, Jeffrey T.; Raghunathan, Aditya; Hughes, Joshua D.; Janus, Jeffrey R.; Giannini, Caterina; Driscoll, Colin L.; Moore, Eric J.; Link, Michael J.; Van Gompel, Jamie J.: Atypical Pathologic Features in Clival Chordoma
Fiore, Mariano; Kerr, Edward E.; Filho, Paulo Mesquita; Dolci, Ricardo; Upadhyay, Smita; Buohliqah, Lamia; Vieira, Gerival; Filho, Leo Ditzel; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Prevedello, Daniel M.: Extending the Inferior Limit of Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery to the Cervical Spine Utilizing an Endoscopic Endonasal Posterior Palatectomy
Otten, Marc L.; Iloreta, Alfred M.; Soni, Pranay; Luminais, Christopher; Mohiuddin, Waseem; Ziegler, Natalie; Nyquist, Gurston; Farrell, Christopher; Rosen, Marc; Evans, James: Bilayer Button Graft for Endoscopic Repair of High-Flow Cranial Base Defects
Upadhyay, Smita; Buohliqah, Lamia; Dolci, Ricardo L.; Fiore, Mariano E.; Prevedello, Daniel; Otto, Brad A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: Effect of Incremental Maxillectomy on Exposure of the Pterygopalatine and Infratemporal Fossa: A Cadaveric Study with Comparative Analysis of Radial Access, Area of Exposure, and Surgical Freedom
Overton, Lewis J.; Rawal, Rounak B.; Lemos, Ana M.; Farzal, Zainab; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna; Ewend, Matthew; Ebert, Charles S.; Senior, Brent A.; Zanation, Adam M.: Expanded Endonasal Approach to the Intraconal Orbit: A Comparative Anatomic Study Before and After Release of the Annulus of Zinn
Lin, Giant C.; Freitag, Suzanne K.; Kocharyan, Armine; Yoon, Michael K.; Lefebvre, Daniel R.; Bleier, Benjamin S.: Endoscopic Medial Rectus Muscle Retraction: Comparison of Techniques to Maximize Endoscopic Exposure of the Medial Orbit
Upadhyay, Smita; Dolci, Ricardo L.; Buohliqah, Lamia; Ditzel, Leo F.; Prevedello, Daniel; Otto, Brad A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: Sublabial Anterior Maxillectomy or Endoscopic Denker Approach: Comparative Analysis of Two Minimally Invasive Approaches to the Infratemporal Fossa
Rawal, Rounak B.; Overton, Lewis J.; Rodriguez, Ana L.; Farzal, Zainab; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna; Ewend, Matthew; Ebert, Charles S.; Senior, Brent A.; Zanation, Adam M.: Expanded Endonasal Approach to the Intraconal Orbit: A Comparative Anatomic Study with and without External Rectus Muscle Displacement
Engle, Robert D.; Butrymowicz, Anna; Chaskes, Mark B.; Wladis, Edward J.; Kenning, Tyler J.; Pinheiro-Neto, Carlos D.: Transnasal Endoscopic Repair of Orbital Floor Fracture with Alloplastic Implant
Lemos-Rodriguez, Ana M.; Sreenath, Satyan B.; Unnithan, Ajay; Doan, Vivian; Recinos, Pablo F.; Zanation, Adam M.; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna: A New Window for the Treatment of Posterior Cerebral Artery, Superior Cerebellar Artery, and Basilar Apex Aneurysm: The Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Approach
Hsin Wang, Wei; Gardner, Paul A.; Wang, Eric; Snyderman, Carl H.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.: Endoscopic Endonasal Transclival Transcondylar Approach for Foramen Magnum Meningioma: Anatomical and Technical Note
Doan, Vivian; Lemos-Rodriguez, Ana M.; Sreenath, Satyan B.; Unnithan, Ajay; Recinos, Pablo F.; Zanation, Adam M.; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna: Using the Endoscopic Endonasal Transclival Approach to Access AICA, PICA, and Vertebral Artery: A New Surgical Approach for Clipping these Intracranial Aneurysms
Muhanna, Nidal; Qiu, Jimmy; Chan, Harley; Daly, Michael; Weersink, Robert; Gilbert, Ralph; Witterick, Ian; Vescan, Allan; Goldstein, David; Zadeh, Gelareh; Monteiro, Eric; Irish, Jonathan; de Almeida, John R.: Volumetric Analysis of Endoscopic and Maxillary Swing Surgical Approaches for Nasopharyngectomy
Zhao, Alice S.; Piastro, Kristina; Butrymowicz, Anna; Chen, Tiffany T.; Kenning, Tyler; Pinheiro-Neto, Carlos D.: Transnasal Endoscopic Medial Maxillary Sinus Wall Transposition with Preservation of the Inferior Turbinate and Nasolacrimal Duct
Dolci, Ricardo L.; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Upadhyay, Smita; Ditzel, Leo F.; Fiore, Mariano E.; Buohliqah, Lamia; Junior, Gerival Vieira; Lazarini, Paulo R.; Otto, Bradley A.; Prevedello, Daniel M.: Endoscopic Endonasal Study of the Cavernous Sinus and Quadrangular Space: Anatomical Relationships
Van Abel, Kathryn M.; Mallory, Grant W.; Kasperbauer, Jan L.; Moore, Eric J.; Price, Dan L.; O'Brien, Erin K.; Olsen, Kerry D.; Krauss, William E.; Clarke, Michelle J.; Jentoft, Mark E.; Van Gompel, Jamie J.: Transnasal Odontoid Resection: Is there an Anatomic Explanation for Differing Swallowing Outcomes?
Klironomos, George; Khan, Osaama H.; Mansouri, Alireza; Vescan, Allan; de Almeida, John; Gentili, Fred; Radovanovic, Ivan; Zadeh, Gelareh: 3D Endoscopy for Posterior Fossa Surgery: An Experimental Cadaveric Study
Rastatter, Jeffrey C.; Rodgers, Shaun D.; Cervantes, Santino; Alden, Tord D.: Endonasal Management of a Pediatric Pterygopalatine Fossa and Skull Base Myofibroma
Piastro, Kristina; Wladis, Edward J.; Kenning, Tyler J.; Pinheiro-Neto, Carlos D.: Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of Medial Orbital Tumors
Dedmon, Matthew M.; Locketz, Garrett; Chambers, Kyle J.; Naunheim, Matthew R.; Lin, Derrick T.; Gray, Stacey T.: Skull Base Surgery Training and Practice Patterns among Recent Otolaryngology Fellowship Graduates
Kalakoti, Piyush; Bir, Shyamal C.; Murray, Richard; Ahmed, Osama; Bollam, Papireddy; Nanda, Anil: Elucidating the Role of Incidental Use of Beta Blockers in Patients with Metastatic Brain Tumors in Controlling Tumor Progression and Survivability
Uluc, Kutluay; Cikla, Ulas; Baggott, Christopher D.; Baskaya, Mustafa K.: A Novel Technique of Arachnoid Retraction in Microneurosurgical Resection
Gibber, Marc J.; Tassler, Andrew; Nasser, Rani: Use of Coblator for Endoscopic Resection of a Frontoethmoid Encephalocele
Larjani, Soroush; Monteiro, Eric; Vescan, Allan; Zadeh, Gelareh; Gentili, Fred; de Almeida, John R.: Preliminary Results of the Skull Base Inventory: A Quality-of-Life Instrument for Skull Base Pathologies
Ableman, T. Benton; Newman, Steven A.: Trochlear Nerve Palsy Associated with Pineal Cyst
Segura, Mauro; Torres, Juan Carlos; Duran, Antonio; Martínez, José Antonio; Pérez, Ramiro; Gil, Cuauhtemoc; Segura, Carlos: A New Clinical Classification of Trigeminal Neuralgia
Labib C., Mohamed; Abou Al-Shaar, Hussam: Glomangiopericytoma Simulating Cavernous Meningioma
Gump, William C.; Debski, Robert F.; Thompson, Matthew P.: Benign Calcifying Pseudotumor of the Craniocervical Junction: Rare Presentation in an Infant
Kalakoti, Piyush; Ahmed, Osama; Menger, Richard; Murray, Richard; Bir, Shyamal C.; David, Connor; Nanda, Anil: Heterotrophic Ossification of a Prepontine Mass: Idiopathic or Following Stroke?
Chambers, Kyle J.; Dedmon, Matthew; Naunheim, Matthew; Goyal, Neerav; Gray, Stacey T.; Lin, Derrick T.: Incidence and Degree of Mucosal Thickening of the Contralateral Sinuses following Treatment for Sinonasal Carcinoma
Kwan, Kevin; Colantonio, Stephanie; Safir, Scott; Loven, Tina; Li, Jian; Black, Karen; Schaeffer, Bob T.; Eisenberg, Mark: Primary Solitary Retroclival Amyloidoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Highstein, Mallory J.; Mallen, Jonathan; Tham, Tristan; Brennan, Tara; Boubour, Alexandra; Opher, Elana; Wolf, Vira; Singh, Prabhyjot; Costantino, Peter: Probable Immunoglobulin Subtype-G4–Related Disease in the Head and Neck from Foreign Body Injection: A Case Report
Pelargos, Panayiotis E.; Nagasawa, Daniel T.; Ung, Nolan; Chung, Lawrance K.; Thill, Kimberly; Gopen, Quinton; Tenn, Steve; Yang, Isaac Y.: A Systematic Review of Skull Base Osteoblastoma: Clinical Features, Treatment, and Outcomes
Jamshidi, Ali O.; Mohyeldin, Ahmed; Muto, Jun; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; Kerr, Edward E.; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: The Use of a Bipolar Sealer System in Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery of the Skull Base: A Technical Note.
Bernardo, Antonio; Evins, Alexander I.; Stieg, Philip E.: Transtubular Microvascular Decompression for Trigeminal Neuralgia
Berens, Angelique; White, Jed; Harbison, Richard; Bly, Randy A.; Moe, Kristen S.; Ferreira, Manual; Newman, Sharon: Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Kinetics: A Novel Approach to Instrument Motion Analysis
Bernardo, Antonio; Evins, Alexander I.; Stieg, Philip E.: 3D Endoscope-Assisted Transtubular Approaches to the Pineal Region
Kurozumi, Kazuhiko; Hishikawa, Tomohito; Kameda, Masahiro; Yasuhara, Takao; Takeda, Yoshimasa; Ohtsuka, Aiji; Date, Isao: Potential of a 3D Display System for Neurosurgical Simulation in Cadaveric Study
Tailor, Al-Rahim A.; Buohliquah, Lamia; Ammirati, Mario; Carrau, Ricardo; Lamki, Tariq; Lubow, Martin: Cranial-Base Surgery for Drug Delivery via Mastoid Cavity: A Novel Procedure for Vestibular/Auditory Syndromes
Jamshidi, Ali; Mohyeldin, Ahmed; Chan, Jon; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; Kerr, Edward E.; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Prevedello, Daniel M.: The Use of Intraoperative Ultrasound in Endoscopic Endonasal Surgery of the Craniovertebral Junction: A Technical Note
Jamshidi, Ali O.; Chan, Jon; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; Kerr, Edward E.; Mohyeldin, Ahmed; Carrau, Ricardo L.; Prevedello, Daniel M.: The Use of Intraoperative Ultrasound during Endoscopic, Endonasal Approach to the Anterior Skull Base for Resection of a Tuberculum Sella Meningioma: A Technical Note
Golub, Justin S.; Pottschmidt, Natalie R.; Weber, Jon D.; Zuccarello, Mario; Pensak, Myles L.; Andaluz, Norberto; Samy, Ravi N.: Optimization of the Ultrasonic Bone Aspirator in Retrosigmoid Vestibular Schwannoma Removal
Saade, Rami E.; Hessel, Amy; Ginsberg, Lawrence; Fuller, Greg; Bell, Diana: Primary Extradural Meningioma Presenting as a Neck Mass
Mingo, Katie; Sweeney, Alex D.; Thompson, Reid C.; Rivas, Alejandro: Hyperostotic en Plaque Meningioma Mimicking Fibrous Dysplasia of the Temporal Bone
Oyama, Kenichi; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.S.; Muto, Jun; Gun, Ramazan; Kerr, Edward E.; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: Anatomic Comparison of the Endonasal and Transpetrosal Approach for Interpeduncular Fossa Access
Liu, Jonathan J.; Ahmadpour, Arjang; Bewley, Arnaud F.; Lechpammer, Mirna; Bobinski, Matthew; Shahlaie, Kiarash: Chondroblastoma of the Clivus: Case Report and Review
Mesquita Filho, Paulo M.; Prevedello, Daniel M.; Ditzel Filho, Leo F.; Kerr, Edward E.; Martinez, Cristian N.; Fiore, Mariano E.; Dolci, Ricardo L.; Otto, Bradley A.; Carrau, Ricardo L.: Optic Canal Decompression: Comparing the Endonasal Endoscopic and Transcranial Approaches
Lemos-Rodriguez, Ana M.; Sreenath, Satyan B.; Rawal, Rounak B.; Overton, Lewis J.; Farzal, Zainab; Zanation, Adam M.: A Progressive Anatomic Algorithm for Transcervical Approaches to the Internal Carotid Artery at the Skull Base: A Comparative Anatomic Study
Dolci, Ricardo; Carrau, Ricardo; Buohliqah, Lamia; Filho, Leo Ditzel; Zoli, Mateo; Filho, Paulo Mesquita; Martinez, Cristian N.; Lazarini, Paulo; Otto, Bradley A.; Prevedello, Daniel: Endoscopic Endonasal Anatomical Study of the Cavernous Sinus Segment of the Ophthalmic Nerve
Mallory, Grant W.; Arutyunyan, Grigory; Murphy, Meghan; Francois, Elvis; Eckel, Laurence; Wetjen, Nicholas; Clarke, Michelle; Van Gompel, Jamie: The Relationship between Age, Gender, and the Craniocervical Junction
House, Adrian; Orczykowski, Mary; Siwek, Donald; Zumwalt, Ann: Microvascular Mapping in a Cadaveric Model: Implications for Endoscopic Skull Base Reconstruction
Abhinav, Kumar; Acosta, Yancy; Bonilla, Luis; Wang, Wei Hsin; Koutourousiou, Maria; Snyderman, Carl H.; Gardner, Paul A.; Fernandez-Miranda, Juan C.: Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Optic Canal: Anatomical Considerations and Surgical Relevance
Kus, Lukas; Monteiro, Eric; de Almeida, John; Lee, John; Vescan, Allan: The Radiological Anatomy of the Olfactory Fossa
Ito, Christopher; Van Loveren, Harry; Boyev, Kestutis P.: Eustachian Tube Dysfunction following Resection of Trigeminal Schwannomas
Montibeller, Guilherme R.; Fries, Fabian; Petrakakis, Ioannis; Becker, Kurt; Oertel, Joachim: Comparison of Microscopic and Endoscopic View of the Internal Auditory Canal: A Cadaveric Study
Sreenath, Satyan B.; McClintock, Benjamin W.; Huang, Benjamin Y.; McKinney, Kibwei A.; Thorp, Brian D.; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna M.; Ewend, Matthew G.; Zanation, Adam M.; Recinos, Pablo F.: The Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Inferior Clivus and Foramen Magnum: Anatomical Landmarks in the Surgical Window
Elhadi, Ali M.; Zaidi, Hasan A.; Shah, Ahmed; Nakaji, Peter; Preul, Mark C.; Little, Andrew S.: Infraorbital Nerve: A Road Map to the Pterygopalatine Fossa, Cavernous Sinus, and Skull Base in Endoscopic Transmaxillary Approaches
Szczupak, Mikhaylo; Dinh, Christine; Moon, Seo; Angeli, Simon I.; Eshraghi, Adrien A.; Telischi, Fred F.: Human Temporal Bone Removal: Skull Base Block Method
Klinger, Daniel R.; Barnett, Samuel L.; Mickey, Bruce E.; Choe, Kevin: Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Schwannomas: Report of Unexpected Complications and a Review of the Literature
Channer, Guyan; Morgan, Mark; Whylie, Natalie; Chang, Stephen; Mullings, Warren; Brown, Phillip: Extended Retrolabyrinthine/Retrosigmoid Approach to a Transmastoid, Intracranial Speargun Injury
Blatt, Jason E.; Sasaki-Adams, Deanna M.; Alvarez, Hortensia: Confined Aneurysm Rupture into an Arachnoid Cyst with Focal Intracystic Vasospasm
Ahmed, Osama; Kalakoti, Piyush; Hefner, Matthew; Nanda, Anil; Cuellar, Hugo; Guthikonda, Bharat: Dual Treatment Modality of Surgical Clipping and Endovascular Coiling in Patient with Seven Intracranial Aneurysms: A Case Report
Sweeney, Alex D.; Carlson, Matthew L.; Rivas, Alejandro; Mocco, J.; Wanna, George B.: Cranial Nerve Injury following Onyx Embolization of Glomus Jugular Tumors
Groom, Kelly L.; Hunter, Jacob B.; Sweeney, Alex D.; Bennett, Marc L.; Netterville, James L.: Preauricular Transglenoid Eustachian Tube Drill Out for Persistent Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea
Dinh, Christine T.; Goncalves, Stefania; Bhatia, Rita; Truong, Kim; Telischi, Fred F.; Angeli, Simon I.; Morcos, Jacques; Eshraghi, Adrien: Skull Base Cholesterol Granuloma: A Distinct Entity?
Colby, Candice C.; Adams, Meredith; Huang, Tina; Levine, Samuel; Haines, Stephen: Does the Presence of Cystic Change Alter the Facial Nerve Prognosis in Surgically Treated Large Acoustic Neuromas?
Gates, Marcus; Jacob, Jeffery; Babu, Maya; Driscoll, Colin; Link, Mike: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Presenting as a Tumor of the Internal Auditory Canal
Morone, Peter J.; Carlson, Matthew L.; Sweeney, Alex D.; Neimat, Joseph S.; Weaver, Kyle D.; Singh, Pradumna; Wanna, George B.: Temporal Lobe Encephaloceles: A Potentially Curable Cause of Seizures
Maloney, Patrick R.; Copeland, William R.; Link, Michael J.; Lane, John I.; Jentoft, Mark E.: Pathologically Confirmed Cerebellopontine Angle Arachnoid Granulation: Case Report