DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Ausgabe 16 · Volume 80 · Oktober 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27987

62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research
Book of Abstracts
Guimarães, Portugal, 31. August – 4. September 2014

Chair: Prof. Dr. Alberto Dias, Braga – Issue Editors: Prof. Dr. Alberto Dias, Dr. Paulo Silva

Carvalho dos Santos, R; Ribeiro, PRE; de Melo Filho, AA; Porto Costa, AK; Reis de Melo, ACG; Takahashi, JA: Antimicrobial activity of extracts of leaves of Annona hypoglauca
Soltan, MM; Hamed, AR; El-Souda, SS; Mohammed, RS; Matloub, AA: In vitro cytoprotective potential of ornamental Harpullia pendula highlighting its medicinal value
Lee, K; Kim, S; Jeong, H; Cho, Y; Mo, Y; Ahn, M; Kwon, T: Selection of artificial medium for cultivation of ginseng seedling
Sedano Partida, MD; Lombello, R; Furlan, CM: Anti-HIV activity of extracts from Hyptis radicans (Lamiaceae)
Farrag, AR; Salaam, FA; Abbas, E; Wagih, H; Tarek, H: Effects of Nigella sativa seeds and oil on gingivitis in diabetic rats
de Melo Filho, AA; Carvalho dos Santos, R; do Nascimento Filho, WB; Ferraz, VP; Takahashi, JA; Rocha da Costa, HN: Antibacterial and antifungal activity of essential oil of flowers of Lantana camara in Roraima, Brazil
Sancaktaroğlu, S; Kumlay, AM; Bayram, E: Growing Urtica pilulifera and importance of Urtica species
Williams, S; Howard, C; Dixon, J; Middleton, R; Slater, A; Koch, E: Black cohosh: Insights into adulteration and hepatotoxicity
Nawwar, M; Ayoub, N; El-Raey, M; Mostafa, E; Lindequist, U; El Dahshan, O; Linscheid, M: Phenolic constituents from Ammania auriculata Wild: Structures, antioxidative activity and cytotoxicity
Hussein, J; El-Khayat, Z; Latif, YA; Refaat, E; Medhat, D: Pomegranate bioactive constituents suppress indomethacine induced experimental peptic ulcer
Fonseca, M; Moreira, M; Marques, A; Dores, R; Sediyama, M; Araujo, I; Silva, P: Organic fertilization increases content of flavonoids in Calendula officinalis
Carvalho dos Santos, R; de Melo Filho, AA; do Nascimento Filho, WB; Ferraz, VP; Takahashi, JA; do Nascimento, FC: Influence of harvesting time in the essential oil contents and in the antimicrobial profile of the fresh and dried leaves of Lantana camara collected in Roraima, Brazil
Lamanauskas, N; Viškelis, P; Bobinaitė, R; Viškelis, J; Bobinas, Č; Šatkauskas, S: Pulsed electric field assisted drying of Actinidia kolomikta fruits
Guimarães de Oliveira, G; Bezerra da Silva, HE; Salgado Vital, MJ; das Chagas do Nascimento, F; de Melo Filho, AA; Carvalho Rabelo, SA: Chemical constituents and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of Trattinnickia burserifolia, Tepequém, Roraima, Brazil
Lamanauskas, N; Eisinaitė, V; Sakalauskaitė, J; Viškelis, J; Dambrauskienė, E; Viškelis, P: Drying methods and their implication on quality of some medical plants