DOI : 10.1055/s-00000181

Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B: Skull Base

Ausgabe S 02 · Volume 75 · Juni 2014 DOI: 10.1055/s-004-27203

Palais des Congrès de Paris
11th European Skull Base Society Congress: Beyond the Limits
Paris, 26–28 June 2014

Doshi, Jayesh; Heyes, R.; Potter, G.; Ward, C.; Rutherford, S.; King, A.; Ramsden, R.; Freeman, S.; Lloyd, S.: Facial Nerve Schwannomas: Manchester Skull Base Team Experience
Bernardeschi, Daniele; Lahlou, G.; Nguyen, Y.; Ferrary, E.; Sterkers, O.: Facial Nerve Tumors: Clinical Presentation and Surgical Results
Bodhinayake, I.; Evins, A. I.; Ottenhausen, M.; Bernardo, A.: A Safe Technique for Transposing the Facial Nerve in the Transcochlear Approach
Tveiten, Øystein Vesterli; Lund-Johansen, M.; Carlson, M. L.; Link, M. J.: What Contributes to Long-Term Quality of Life in Vestibular Schwannoma?
Al-Shudifat, Abdulrahman; Seisjo, P.; Kahlon, B.: Validation of Outcome Measurements in Surgically Treated Vestibular Schwannomas
Perez, J.; Stetter, C.; Friedrich, J.; Ernestus, R. I.; Gelbrich, G.; Matthies, C.: Impact of Facial Nerve Function on Quality of Life after Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery
Thomeer, Hgxm; Perez, F.; Darrouzet, P.; Darrouzet, V.; Franco-Vidal, V.: Evaluation Quality of Equilibrium after Vestibular Schwannoma Surgery: A Prospective Cohort Study
Zweckberger, Klaus; Hallek, E.; Vogt, L.; Schick, U.; Unterberg, A. W.: Does Surgical Removal of Skull-Base Meningiomas (WHO I) Affect Life-quality and Cognition?
Mcintyre, Charlotte; Allen, Jly; Jones, S.; Nash, R.; Clarke, P. M.: Quality of Life after Orbital Exenteration
Shiban, E.; Shiban, Y.; Sahinovic, L.; Kapp, C.; Mühlberger, A.; Meyer, B.; Lehmberg, J.: Incidence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Symptoms in Skull Base Surgery