DOI : 10.1055/s-00000058

Planta Medica

Ausgabe 10 · Volume 79 · Juli 2013 DOI: 10.1055/s-003-25305

Natural Products at a Crossroad: Current and Future Directions
2013 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy
St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 14 – 17, July 2013

Chairmen: Mark O'Neil-Johnson, Scientific Organizing Committee – Ray Cooper, Local Organizing Committee – Issue Editor: Mark O'Neil-Johnson

Issac, M; Aknin, M; Gauvin-Bialecki, A; Kashman, Y; Carmeli, S: Cyclotheonazoles A-C, Three Novel Metabolites from Marine Sponge Theonella sp.
Fang, J; Nikolić, D; Chen, SN; Ramos Alvarenga, RF; Pauli, GF; van Breemen, RB: Structure Determination of Isoxanthohumol and 8-Prenylnaringenin Glucuronides Formed by Human Liver Microsomes