DOI : 10.1055/s-00000089

Ultraschall in der Medizin - European Journal of Ultrasound

Issue S 1 · Volume 28 · 2007 DOI: 10.1055/s-002-6988

19th Euroson Congress EFSUMB
31. Dreiländertreffen DEGUM – ÖGUM – SGUM
Leipzig, 24.–27. Oktober 2007

Kongresspräsidenten: Volker Keim, DEGUM – David Evans, EFSUMB

Lupsor, M.; Badea, R.; Vicas, C.; Nedevschi, S.; Stefanescu, H.; Tripon, S.; Suteu, T.; Radu, C.; Grigorescu, M.: Estimating the fibrosis stage in chronic hepatits C patients using image processing methods on ultrasonographic images – preliminary results
Guth, S.; Herborn, C. U.; Bamberger, C. M.: Zufallsbefund im rechten Unterbauch
Jung, A.; Peters, M.; Nürnberg, D.: Skurrile Gefäßformationen bei portaler Hypertension
Jung, A.; Schade, I.; Nürnberg, D.: Die Nebenmilz – eine Nebensache?
Guthoff, A. E.; Schrader, J.; Denzer, U.; Henes, F. O.; Schäfer, H.; Lohse, A.: Stenosis of the proximal intestine in Crohn's disease – a case report
Giorgio, A.; De Stefano, G.; Iaquinta, S.; Scognamiglio, U.; Giorgio, V.; Matteucci, P.: Radiofrequency ablation of HCC on decompensated liver cirrhosis: Results and complications
Raczynski, S.; Schiefke, I.; Kopp, S.; Halm, U.; Mössner, J.; Tröltzsch, M.: Prospektive, randomisierte Studie zur Optimierung der Lokalanästhesie (LA) bei perkutaner Ethanolinjektion von HCCs
Hahn, K. E.; Guthoff, A. E.; Merkel, M.: Milzveränderungen bei M. Gaucher
Grigorov, N.; Mitova, R.; Genov, J.; Golemanov, B.: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of atypical hepatic hemangioma
Di Lorenzo, R.; Sanfilippo, F.; Cocorullo, G.; Agrusa, A.; Gulotta, G.: Intraoperative ultrasound liver assessment in patients who undergo to colonic resections: when and why
Badea, R.; Pop, T.; Mosteanu, O.; Lupsor, M.; Stefanescu, H.; Raica, P.; Vatajelu, I.; Miclea, L.: Role of imaging and modelling in hepatocellular carcinoma angiogenesis noninvasive assessment
Abbattista, T.; Ridolfi, F.; Ciabattoni, E.; Marini, F.; Brunelli, E.; Busilacchi, P.: Contrast enhanced ultrasound to evaluate Crohn's Disease severity and outcome
Stock, K.; Hann von Weyhern, C.; Gaa, J.; Vogelsang, H.; Schmid, R. M.; Lersch, C.: Endotheliale Nebennierenzyste als Differentialdiagnose der zystischen Echinokokkose bei einer türkischen Patientin
Kaiser, C.; Götzberger, M.; Landauer, N.; Lippl, F.; Kirchner, T.; Eigler, A.; Klose, J.: AFP-produzierendes, hepatoides Adenokarzinom der Kardia; ein Fallbericht
Giordani, M. T.; Carlotto, A.; Brunetti, E.; Lazzarini, L.; Fabris, P.; Benedetti, P.; Stecca, C.: Hyperechogenic hepatic lesions in an AIDS patient with bacillary angiomatosis
Golemanov, B.; Grigorov, N.; Mitova, R.; Genov, J.; Berberova, M.; Vuchev, D.: 5 year pair experience – indications, modifications, problems
Hirche, T. O.; Ignee, A.; Hirche, H.; Schneider, A.; Dietrich, C. F.: Evaluation of hepatic steatosis by ultrasound in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection
Genov, J.; Grigorov, N.; Mitova, R.; Golemanov, B.; Dinkov, L.; Donov, M.: Radiofrequency ablation of liver metastases from colorectal cancer
Ahmed, A. B.; Gilja, O. H.; Hausken, T.; Gregersen, H.; Matre, K.: Patients with functional dyspepsia have reduced fasting radial strain of the gastric antrum
Giorgio, A.; De Stefano, G.; Mariniello, N.; Di Sarno, A.; Giorgio, V.; Iaquinta, S.; Scognamiglio, U.: Percutaneous ethanol aspiration and ethanol injection (PAI) in the treatment of hydatid liver cysts (HLCs): 17-year experience of a single centre
Tudora, A.; Vernic, C.; Kallikott, S.; Danila, M.; Taubert, N.: Usefulness of early ultrasound and CT examinations in assessing acute pancreatitis severiy
Knorr, F. W. M.; Deuerling, J.; Dirks, K.: Die Peritonealtuberkulose und ihre Differenzialdiagnosen
Schuessler, G.; Braden, B.; Faust, D.; Ignee, A.; Dietrich, C. F.: Perihepatic lymphadenopathy indicates aetiology of acute and chronic liver disease
Barreiros, A. P.; Otto, G.; Galle, P. R.; Dietrich, C. F.: Sonographische Zeichen von Amyloidosen, „pictoral assay“
Goertz, R. S.; Frieser, M.; Heide, R.; Bernatik, T.; Strobel, D.: Morbus Crohn – MR-Sellink vs. Hochfrequente Sonographie vs. Endoskopie
Pacella, C. M.; Francica, G.; Bizzarri, G.; Arienti, V.; Magnolfi, F.; Di Lascio, F. M. L.; Caspani, B.; Pretolani, S.; Antico, E.; Regine, R.; Salomone Megna, A.; Sponza, M.: Five-year survival in 432 cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) ≤4cm treated with us-guided percutaneous laser ablation (PLA): A multicentric study
Giorgio, A.; De Stefano, G.; Giorgio, V.; Matteucci, P.; Coppola, C.; Iaquinta, S.; Scognamiglio, U.: Multipolar percutaneous us-guided radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)
Francica, G.; Pompili, M.; Pacella, C. M.; Nicolardi, E.; Pretolati, A.; Angelico, M.; Tisone, G.; Cabroledda, P.; Pacella, S.; Rossi, Z.; Rapaccini, G. L.: Percutaneous laser ablation (PLA) in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) submitted to liver transplantation (OLT): Assessment of effectiveness at explant analysis
Kubale, R.; Krämer, W.; Moser, C.; Stolte, M.; Jung, E. M.; Bücker, A.: Ischemic Colitis and Crohn's disease: Differential diagnosis and follow-up
Popescu, A.; Sporea, I.; Bota, S.; Danila, M.; Sirli, R.; Cernescu, C.; Abdoul, N.; Guta, A.: The usefulness of dynamic transabdominal ultrasound in acute pancreatitis
King, D.; Moran, C.; Hussey, M.; Browne, J.: Development of an anatomically realistic renal flow phantom
D'Onofrio, M.; Malagò, R.; Martone, E.; Gubello, T.; Pozzi Mucelli, R.: Focal liver lesion detection: concordance between volumetric US vs. conventional US
Giorgio, A.; De Stefano, G.; Scognamiglio, U.; Iaquinta, S.; Giorgio, V.; Matteucci, P.: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) on cirrhosis: Are patients with portal invasion eligible for percutaneous ablation?
Erchinger, F.; Gilja, O. H.; Dimcevski, G.; Hausken, T.; Ødegaard, S.; Bretthauer, M.: Abdominal ultrasound after colonoscopy with insufflation of air versus carbon dioxide – a randomised double blind trial
Casadei, A.; Floreani, M.; Fanolla, A.; Trebo, P.; Kühberger, W.; Rizza, F.; Marchesi, M.: Farbdopplersonographie und diabetische Nephropathie: Prognostische Bedeutung des renalen Widerstandsindizes und einiger Laborparameter