CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Laryngorhinootologie 2019; 98(S 02): S331
DOI: 10.1055/s-0039-1686531

Intracochlear pressure changes during CI electrode insertion with the 'pullback' technique

J Uçta
1   Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin
P Mittmann
1   Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin
G Lauer
1   Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin
R Seidl
1   Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin
J Wagner
1   Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin
A Ernst
1   Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin, Berlin
› Institutsangaben


    Different factors influence the atraumatic insertion of CI electrode arrays. The intracochlear pressure changes influence the preservation of residual hearing. With the pullback technique an electrode position closer to the modiolus can be achieved. The aim of our study was to investigate, how the pullback influences the intracochlear pressure changes.


    Insertions of the electrode array were performed in an artificial cochlear model. Intracochlear pressure changes were recorded with a micro-optical pressure sensor in the apical part of the cochlear. After complete insertion of the slim modiolar electrode array a pullback was performed.


    Significant differences were measured when the electrode array was moisture during the pullback. Pressure changes during the pullback are small in comparison to the insertion of the electrode array.


    Preservation of residual hearing und the audiological outcome after cochlear implantation are the important factors in modern CI surgery. Intracochlear pressure changes during the pullback are small but can be even reduced significantly by moistening of the electrode. Using the pullback technique in cases with residual hearing should not affect the probability of preservation of residual hearing.

    Dr. med. Julica Uçta
    Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin,
    Warener Str. 7, 12683


    23. April 2019 (online)

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