Int J Sports Med 2013; 34(08): 707-711
DOI: 10.1055/s-0032-1331770
Physiology & Biochemistry
© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Effects of Rain on Energy Metabolism while Running in a Cold Environment

R. Ito
1   Department of Economics, Nihon Fukushi University, Chita-gun, Japan
M. Nakano
2   Department of Human Health, Aichi Toho University, Toyota, Japan
M. Yamane
3   Human Sciences, Aichi Mizuho College, Toyota, Japan
M. Amano
4   Faculty of Human Wellness, Tokai Gakuen University, Miyoshi, Japan
T. Matsumoto
5   Laboratory for Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics, Graduate School of Health and Sport Sciences, Chukyo University, Toyota, Japan
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Publication History

accepted after revision 03 December 2012

Publication Date:
31 January 2013 (online)


Environmental factors tend to influence the performance of individuals who exercise for extended periods. The present study aimed to determine energy metabolism while running in cold, wet conditions using a climatic chamber that can precisely simulate rainy conditions. 7 healthy men (age, 23.3±2.9 (SD) y; height, 168.6±7.5 cm; weight, 65.9±8.1 kg; V. O2max, 52.0±5.7 mL·kg − 1·min − 1) ran on a treadmill at 70% ˙VO2max intensity for 30 min in a climatic chamber at an ambient temperature of 5°C in the presence (RAIN) or absence (CON) of 40 mm/h of precipitation. Expired air, esophageal temperature, heart rate, mean skin temperature, rating of perceived exertion and blood samples were measured. Esophageal temperature and mean skin temperature were significantly lower (P<0.05) in RAIN than in CON all. Minute ventilation, oxygen consumption and levels of plasma lactate and norepinephrine were significantly higher (P<0.05) in RAIN than in CON. In conclusion, the higher oxygen consumption and plasma lactate in RAIN indicated that energy demand increases when running in cold conditions.

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