CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Journal of Diabetes and Endocrine Practice 2018; 01(01): 12-14
DOI: 10.4103/jdep.jdep_6_18
Case Report

Remarkable improvement of palmar hyperkeratosis to thyroxine replacement in a patient with severe undiagnosed severe hypothyroidism

Akesh Thomas
Department of Family Medicine, Our Family Clinic, Idukki, Kerala, India
Alex Robert
1   Department of Internal Medicine, CSI Holdsworth Memorial Hospital, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
A Kumar
1   Department of Internal Medicine, CSI Holdsworth Memorial Hospital, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
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Hypothyroidism can present with a wide range of nonspecific symptoms, some of which are cutaneous. However, hypothyroidism presenting as isolated palmar hyperkeratosis is rarely described in the literature. Here, we describe a 30-year-old male who presented with hyperkeratosis and painful fissures of both palms for 1½ years' duration. He had minimal relief with keratolytic agents. On physical examination, he was found to have bradycardia and when investigated he was found to have severe hypothyroidism. A diagnosis of autoimmune hypothyroidism was made after further laboratory studies. He was treated with thyroxine, and a gradual improvement of hyperkeratosis was noted over a period of 3 months. Although extremely rare, clinicians should consider hypothyroidism as a cause of hyperkeratosis, especially when it is refractory to treatment and/or there are other possible symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Publication History

Article published online:
08 June 2022

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