CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Indian J Radiol Imaging 2013; 23(02): 151-154
DOI: 10.4103/0971-3026.116574

Embolization of a large high-flow renal arteriovenous fistula using 035″ and 018″ detachable coils

Dinesh K Sundarakumar
Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703, Floyd Curl Drive, MC 7800, San Antonio, Texas 78229
Ghazwan M Kroma
Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703, Floyd Curl Drive, MC 7800, San Antonio, Texas 78229
Crysela M Smith
Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703, Floyd Curl Drive, MC 7800, San Antonio, Texas 78229
Jorge E Lopera
Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703, Floyd Curl Drive, MC 7800, San Antonio, Texas 78229
Rajeev Suri
Department of Radiology, The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, 7703, Floyd Curl Drive, MC 7800, San Antonio, Texas 78229
› Author Affiliations
Source of Support: Nill.


Transcatheter embolization of renal arteriovenous fistula (AVF) is a minimally invasive procedure that, in some occasions, can replace surgery and potentially save the kidney. The embolization techniques for the renal AVFs have evolved considerably with the availability of newer hardwares. Still, the risk of inadvertent migration of the embolization materials to the pulmonary circulation is a concern. This article describes a novel technique of coiling the feeding segmental artery to a large high-flow renal AVF using 035″ and 018″ detachable coils only, and briefly reviews the previously described strategies to safely embolize renal AVFs.

Publication History

Article published online:
04 October 2021

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