J Am Acad Audiol 2005; 16(07): 410-418
DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.16.7.2
American Academy of Audiology. All rights reserved. (2005) American Academy of Audiology

The Current Status of Hearing Care: Can We Change the Status Quo?

Dennis Van Vliet
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Publication History

Publication Date:
07 August 2020 (online)

The members of the profession of audiology often express concern that the services and products that have been developed to provide benefit to the hearing impaired are not sought after or delivered to the majority of those diagnosed with hearing loss. A critical look at the status quo of hearing care delivery in the United States is needed to verify this assumption and to develop strategies to improve the situation. A key concern is the lack of a comprehensive high-quality scientific database upon which to build continuous improvements in the effectiveness of the services and products that are provided to the hearing impaired.