Minim Invasive Neurosurg 2007; 50(6): 363-366
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-993161
Case Report

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Endoscopic Endonasal Resection of a Midline Intradural Frontobasal Dermoid Tumour

B. Düz 1 , H. I. Secer 1 , F. Tosun 2 , E. Gonul 2
  • 1Department of Neurosurgery, Gulhane Military Medical Academy (GATA), Ankara, Turkey
  • 2Department of Otolaryngology, Gulhane Military Medical Academy (GATA), Ankara, Turkey
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22. Januar 2008 (online)


Dermoid and epidermoid cysts are congenital, slowly growing tumours that usually become symptomatic when patients reach the middle of their third decade. An otherwise healthy 20-year-old man presented with an epileptic attack. Imaging studies including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging revealed an intradural cystic lesion located in the anterior subfrontal region. Choices of traditional approaches for such a lesion are a bicoronal craniotomy or a transfacial procedure. Taking the advantage of the endoscope, the authors decided to remove the lesion via an endonasal route. After a fully endoscopic endonasal operation, gross total resection of the dermoid tumour was achieved. We have not observed cerebrospinal fluid leakage or any infectious complication after the operation. In this report the technique of operation and reconstruction method are described. The endoscopic endonasal approach offers a good option for lesions located in the anterior skull base. Carefully piecemeal resection of the tumour while preserving the underlying neural and vascular structures should be the main strategy of the operation. Reconstruction is very important after the surgery and a carefully planned pedicled graft technique may help in the prevention of cerebrospinal fluid leakage.


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B. DüzMD 

Department of Neurosurgery

School of Medicine, (GATA)

Gulhane Military Medical Academy

06018 Etlik



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