Planta Med 2007; 73 - P_510
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-987290

The analysis of the antioxidant compounds of Melissa officinalis L. in in vitro regenerated variants

D Danila 1, E Gille 1, F Gatea 2
  • 1„Stejarul“ Biological Research Centre/INCDSB Bucuresti, Alexandru cel Bun Street, 610004, Piatra Neamt, Romania
  • 2National Institute of Biological Sciences Bucharest, 296, Splaiul Independentei, 600031, Bucharest, Romania

The flavons and polyphenols of Melissae folium, due to their antioxidant effect, may be bioactive constituents of some phytopreparations [1].

Due to the pharmaceutical and cosmetic importance of Melissa officinalis, we considered in vitro plant regeneration as a useful and important possibility in the multiplication of phytochemically valuable genotypes. Using the tissue cultures regenerating techniques we had as an aim the micropropagation of valuable genotypes, with well-defined biochemical characteristics [2]. We evaluated the biosynthetic spectrum of the polyphenolic and flavonoidic compounds in alcoholic extracts by means of TLC and RP-HPLC methods (using a linear gradient of acetonitril-sodium acetate brought to pH=2.65 with acetic acid).

The tissue cultures were initiated from stem explants (apexes and nodes), prelevated from experimental field plants. The regenerated neoplantlets went through all the phases of the phenophase after being transfered to the experimental field (Neamt – Romania).

In the ethanolic extracts (70%) of the in vitro regenerated plants, the content of polyphenols and flavons (µg/mL) was as follows: 1194.86 rutin; 157.81 quercetin, 1407.69 caffeic acid, 19171.8 rosmarinic acid, 65.86 ferulic acid and 14.38 cumaric acid. The data obtained by HPLC confirm the optimum extraction efficiency – for all the components analyzed, at an ethanolic concentration of 70%. TLC confirms the domination of polyphenols compared to flavons.

The in vitro plants synthetize and accumulate a smaller quantity of antioxidant compounds yet the biosynthetic spectrum is much diversified, the number of the identified compounds is higher than that of the generatively obtained variants.

Acknowledgments: The work is sustained in the CEEX-BIOTECH program financed by the Romanian Government.

References: [1] Istudor V. (2001) Farmacognozie, fitochimie, fitoterapie. Ed. Med., Bucharest, 2: 99–101. [2] Meszaros A. et al. (1999) Plant cell tissue organ cult., 57, 2: 149–152.