Planta Med 2007; 73 - P_203
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-986984

Phytoncidal effects of rare and endemic species of the Rosaceae family from Dinaric Alps

S Redžić 1, A Redzic 2, M Tuka 3
  • 1Dep. of Botany, Faculty of Science & Faculty of Pharmacy University of Sarajevo, 33–35 Zmaja od Bosne St., 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 2Medical Faculty University of Sarajevo, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • 3Private pharmaceutical company „Apoteka“, Kiseljak, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Many species of Rosaceae family contain tannins [1] which have phytoncidal and antimicrobial effects and are regarded as effective antioxidants and antimicrobials [2]. In this study special attention has been given to the endemic and rare plants of the Rosaceae as a source of new natural antibiotics [3] and to evaluate the phytoncidal activity plants growing in the Dinaric wilderness. During 2006, the herbal material has been gathered at the Central Dinaric area. Vouchers of the analyzed species are located at the Herbarium of University of Sarajevo. The antimicrobial activity of Potentilla, Alchemilla, Dryas and Geum species was analyzed. Aqueous extracts (decocts) were made from the dried rhizomes and roots, followed by maceration and ethanolic extraction at different concentrations. Agar diffusion method was used at 37°C, the incubation lasted for 48 hours. Following test microorganisms were used: Bacillus subtilis (ATCC 441), Staphylococcus aureus – Sa (ATCC 25923), Escherichia coli – Ec (ATCC 25922), Pseudomonas aeruginosa- Pa (ATCC 27853), Proteus vulgaris- Pv (MTCC 1771) and Candida albicans- Ca (MTCC 277). The microorganisms and official reference antibiotics were obtained from the Institute of Public Health of Canton Sarajevo.

The results are showing different phytoncidal and antimicrobial activity of the extracts depending on type of the extract as well as the concentration. The most sensitive was Sa with the zones of inhibitions of 10.3mm -12mm (P. palustris, P. reptans, P. montenegrina and P. speciosa). Similar sensitivity has as well been noted for Bs with zones of inhibitions of 7mm -15mm (P. speciosa, P. apennina, P. clusiana, P. caulescens and G. montanum), as well as for Ec –4,3mm –7,2mm (P. reptans, P. anserina, P. montenegrina, A. velebitica and D. octopetala). As a control the following antibiotics were used (inhibition zone): Penicillin (25mm), Erythromycine (22mm) and Oxatetracycline (21mm).

References: [1] Tomczyk, M. (2006) Bioch Syst & Ecol 34: 770–773. [2] Oszmianski, J. et al. (2007) Food Chemistry 100: 579–583. [3] Redzic, S. (2006) Proc.1st IFOAM Intern. Conf. Organic Wild Production, 117–141.