Planta Med 1983; 48(8): 234-245
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-969926
Research Articles

© Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart

Alcaloïds des Annonacées XLVII*: Alcaloïdes de Guatteria ouregou**

Alkaloids from Annonaceae XLVII*: Alkaloides of Guatteria ouregou**M. Lebœuf, D. Cortes, R. Hocquemiller, A. Cavé
  • Laboratoire de Pharmacognosie, Faculté de Pharmacie, Châtenay-Malabry, France
* Alcaloïdes des Annonacées XLVI: Structure cristalline de la guattescine; révision de structure: CHIARONI, A., C. RICHE, R. Hoc-QUEMILLER, S. RASAMIZAFY et A. CAVÉ: Tetrahedron 39, 2163 (1983).** Travail dédié à la mémoire de SERTÜRNER, à l'occasion du 200 ème anniversaire de sa naissance.
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26. März 2007 (online)


The Guianese Annonaceous plant Guatteria ouregou DUN. has yielded fourteen isoquinoline alkaloids, five of which are novel. They belong to several structural types; attention is specially drawn to three original skeletons, namely 7-hydoxy-7-methyl aporphinoids, 7-gem-dimethyl aporphinoids and α-gem-dimethyl cularinoids. The results concerning solvent shift in 1H NMR spectra of some of these alkaloids are emphasized. Finally the phytochemical significance of the isolated alkaloids is discussed considering their chemotaxonomic and biogenetic interest.