Planta Med 1983; 48(5): 5-9
DOI: 10.1055/s-2007-969868
Research Articles

© Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart

Cardanol, a Skin Irritant in Pink Pepper

Egon Stahl, K. Keller, C. Blinn
  • Pharmakognosie und analytische Phytochemie der Universität des Saarlandes D 6600 Saarbrücken
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26. März 2007 (online)


Cardanol 15:1 was isolated and characterized from the fruit of Schinus terebinthifolius RADDI, commonly known as the spice Pink Pepper. It is present in a content of 0.03 per cent in the fruit from Réunion and of 0.05 per cent in those of Florida. A skin test showed that the substance had a strong skin irritating effect after a relatively long latency period. It is supposed that cardanol 15:1 is responsible for the described toxic symptoms of Pink Pepper in combination with some ingredients of the essential oil, especially phellandrene and Δ3-carene. Experimental tests on animals are required before the spice can be forbidden for sale.