Planta Med 2006; 72 - P_181
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-949981

Organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species eliminates complaints resulted from hemorrhoid disease

M Kavutcu 1, M Arhan 2, B Aytaç 3, R Çetin 4, I Durak 3
  • 1Gazi University Medical Faculty, Department of Biochemistry, Besevler Ankara-Turkey
  • 2Ankara Oncology Teaching and Research Hospital, Department Gastroenterology and
  • 4General Surgery, Ankara-Turkey
  • 3Ankara University School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, Sihhiye Ankara-Turkey

Molecular mechanisms leading to hemorrhoid mainly consist of degeneration of connective tissue, stagnation and stasis of blood in the vascular plexus of the anal cushions, activation of white cells, release of inflammatory substances and toxic free radicals, which are followed by oxidation reactions and tissue damage [1]. Purified flavonoid fraction has been used to prevent inflammatory reactions resulting from the leukocyte-endothelium interaction [2]. We aimed to establish possible therapeutic effect(s) of the chamomile flower which contains several types of flavonoids and other flavones in the patients with hemorrhoid. A trial of 24 patients with acute hemorrhoid bleeding was performed by using organic extract of flowers from a chamomile species. Patients consumed extract fraction for 2 months at the daily dose of 200µl/kg body weight. It has been observed that the frequency and severity of the hemorrhoid attacks are significantly reduced in 21 of 24 patients during the study period and, that all the complaints are almost eliminated after use of a month period. In this regard, significant reductions were observed in the prelopsus by the rectal touche inspection. Bleeding was also lessened (Mean±SD, 2.2±0.4 before and 0.2±0.01 after), pain and itching frequencies decreased after extract use (Mean±SD, 5.22±0.6 before and 1.6±0.3 after for pain and, 9.6±3.1 before and 2.4±0.6 after for itching). It seems possible that constituents in the extract fraction of chamomile flowers have significant potential to inhibit inflammation and, to increase micro circulation in the bowel, thereby ameliorating hemorrhoid and bleeding.

References: 1. Haas, P.A. et al. (1984), Dis Colon Rectum 27: 442–450. 2. Ho, Y.H. et al. (2000), Dis Colon Rectum 43: 66–69.