Neuropediatrics 2006; 37 - TP141
DOI: 10.1055/s-2006-945734


R Abedimova 1, R Bazarbekova 1
  • 1Republican Scientific – Practical Centre of Psychiatry, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Objectives: of the work was studying EEG picture in children with diabetes mellitus of the 1-st type (DM1). The object of the study was 75 children with DM1 at the age from 4 to 15 years. 35 (46.7%) were boys, 40 (53.3%) – girls. The duration of DM1 disease varied from 6 months to 8 years.25 (33.3%) children were with disease duration up to one year (9.5±2 months), 39 (52%) – from 1 to 5 years (2.8±0.2 years), 11 (14.7%) – more than 5 years (7±1).

Methods: All children with DM1 underwent electroencephalography on 8– channel electroencephalograph (Nichon Coden, Japan) by 10–20 scheme. In performing EEG there were carried out functional tests: opening and closing eyes, rhythmic photostimulation (RPS) and hyperventilation (HV) for 3 minutes. Age peculiarities were considered in analysis of bioelectric activity.

Results: 11 (14.7%) children with DM 1 had normal picture of background EEG with adequate reactions to afferent stimuli. 64 (85.3%) patients passing background EEG had irregular alpha rhythm, decrease of its index, violation of space distribution, increase of teta rhythm index. Insufficient clear reaction of background activity in “opening” and “closing eyes” was determined in 29 (38.7%) patients. A weak depression of background rhythms at RPS was in 33 (44%). In hyperventilation 15 (20%) children had epilepsy like activity as high amplitude bilateral synchronous slow waves of teta and delta ranges in 11 (14.7%) and generalized sharp waves in 4 (5.3%) which preserved in 1 minute after HV.

Conclusion: Thus, the most examined children with DM1 (85.3%) had changes in EEG. These changes were observed in background activity and on functional exertions. The results of the study allow to suppose about toxic influence of chronic hyperglycemia to brain of children with diabetes mellitus.